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—NAMJOON PACED HIS CHAMBERS FURIOUSLY; how could he have been so stupid to think that he could trust Jimin to stay out of trouble. He'd given him the benefit of doubt.

He thought that...but why now? Why would Jimin go looking for answers now? They'd been doing just fine — he would leave, and when he returned, Jimin would be right where he belonged, still as innocent, still as clueless as when he'd left.

Why did he have to go and ruin it?

He wasn't ready.

Jimin was still a naive, little creature. He was simply pretending to be mature — to trick him into thinking he was ready for the world, but Namjoon saw right through him. He'd have to punish him for that as well. Lying was a sin, and he needed to correct that behaviour.

He continued to pace his room, wondering what he could say to Jimin to make him stay. Surely the very mention of demons would be enough to scare him right?

How can he be afraid of something he doesn't have a concept of? A voice asked him.

"Because Demons are-"

You've never told him about demons before, though, how do you know he'll be afraid of them?


He'll go back to him. Words aren't enough to scare him into submission. Show him. Show him what happens when angels play with fire.

"No. I couldn't,"

But you can. You have that sort of power. You're an Arch after all. Show him.

"And what if I break him?"

Good; the wicked deserve to be punished.

Namjoon nodded. "The wicked deserve to be punished," he repeated. The voice was right. It was foolish of him to think that words would ever be enough. If Jimin wanted answers, he'd show him.

He stopped pacing.

The bells for evening prayer tolled in the distance. The next time Jimin disobeyed, he'd show him what would happen to angels that couldn't follow the rules.

Feeling rather pleased with himself, he departed his room for evening prayer, excited to spend some time with the younger before nightfall.

But what he saw infuriated him.

He rounded the corner in time to see Jimin bounding away from the void, a silly smile on his face with cheeks tinted pink. He too, looked pleased with himself, but Namjoon did not know over what.


Namjoon fumed as he watched him slip through the halls towards evening prayer.

He was going to have to put him in his place; for the wicked deserved to be punished.

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late again in the update, but we're more than halfway through the story now

(which means I need to really crack down on editing the sequel)

see you next friday

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now