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—JIMIN LONGED TO SEE TAEHYUNG AGAIN. He doesn't know how many nights have passed that he'd dreamt of being taken by him. How open and honest it felt.

But Lee's face was a terrifying reminder that there was something wrong with him.

Not that the dreams would go away. Jimin knew better than to believe that a simple prayer would do. No. He'd continue to dream about him in all their vulgarity. He could still feel his hands on him, the way his body felt against his, his reach inside of him.

Perhaps Jimin would pay him a visit.

But not for a while; a whole year would go by before Jimin thought of going back to him.

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i hope you enjoyed the mini spam

see you next friday

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now