Chapter 2: The Animal I've Become

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At the Minerva Arena, the audience couldn't stop talking about such a brutal fight and its no less brutal ending, which had a few worried and a few more delighted by the result that, although gruesome, showed that the entertainment would be at its best. Some even considered the possibility of betting everything on She-Wolf as the winner of the Tournament.

Chocolate comes out on stage.

-Well, regardless of how you may feel about the match, all I can say is that this combat left absolutely no one indifferent, right?

The crow cheered in agreement.

-And more excitement will come. It's time for the second fight of the night!

The crowd went wild after that announcement.


Already in her exclusive loge, Chocolate met with Natalia.

-Whew, it's going to be an interesting night. Any news from our dear friend?

-Well... is a guarded prognosis.

-I see...

-I'm sorry, but on the other hand I'd be relieved if that girl was written off of the tournament; both for her good and ours.

-Do you think so?

-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound impertinent.

-Ha, ha, ha! Chill out, Natalia, it's just... I don't know, this tournament is going to be really something. Just keep me posted on our friend's health.

-Yes, ma'am.

-Of course, make sure that the doctors do their job... it would be disastrous if it happened the same thing that happened to her late father.

Natalia was silent for a moment, swallowing a bit of saliva, but recovering and nodding.


In the arena's medical room, the medics were giving treatment to Dragana, who was still unconscious; although some episodes of seizures alerted them. In one of those episodes, unfortunately, Armando Cabrera and Diana Alanís arrived.


-Wait, you're not supposed to be here! -One of the doctors stopped the cops-.

-I'm the State Attorney! –Cabrera showed his badge-. Let me in!

-Mr. Prosecutor –says a nurse-, her condition is still delicate; the more people are here, the more the situation will get worse. Please wait.

-Prosecutor, you'd better leave –the one who entered the scene was Natalia-.

-Who are you to prevent us from investigating? -Diana asks defiantly-.

-I think you still don't understand the seriousness of this situation if you make such a russ. Don't do it for lady Chocolate; in fact, not even for you; do it for her –Natalia points out to Dragana, who was already being stabilized again-.

-Tch –Cabrera was extremely frustrated-...

-I know how you feel, but I think it would be better to discuss this outside. Dragana is in good hands, you won't be improving the situation if you stay here.

-You're right...

Cabrera leaves the room, followed by Diana, who kept staring at a Natalia who stood her ground. In the hallway, the three of them were talking.

-You could've prevented this a long time ago, but your boss is determined to continue with this madness.

-You got involved in this tournament by accepting that girl to participate.

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