Chapter 4: Quintessential Narcissist

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The City

Tamaki Kodaira, the short-haired Japanese grappler, was being punished by Saeta de Plata with one of those extravagant Pro-Wrestling Hold: an Octopus Stretch.

Vamos, ríndete!

-Hnnh... Shigau!

-What does that mean? –Asks the masked woman to the referee-. I don't speak Taka-taka.

-She said "no".

-Okay, so what do you think of this?

The girl now stretched the arm that was being punished rival backwards, causing her tremendous pain.

- Hnghah!

Kodaira, who was on her feet but bent-down because of her rival who was entangled in all of her body, falls backwards, but Saeta kept pressuring with that hold.

-Kodaira, do you give up? –Asked the referee-.

The answer of the Japanese was escaping from the Stretch using her flexibility.

-You won't escape!

-Ghh... Hoh!

Kodaira manages to escape, rolls and started to wrestle Saeta down by holding her from the rear with a Waist-lock. The Mexican tried to sneak down, but the Asian sisn't let her go, throwing her in a German Suplex. The audience roared at that prowess.

-That's it! Don't let her go!

-Finish her!

Kodaira was trying to wrestle Saeta down, but the Mexican was also good grappling, although the struggle was won by the Japanese, who placed her rival face down, with the masked arm under hers, but forcing her elbow with the back of her knee; at the same time, Kodaira clinged to her rival's belly in a reinforced Omoplata variant, preventing the sky-haired one from escaping.

-Aaaah! My arm!


-Aaaaghh! ¡Ay, ay, ay! I give up!

Tamaki released her opponent after the bell rang, just in time before Saeta's elbow was forced to the opposite side. The audience celebrated.

-Ladies and gentlemen, the winner via submission by Omoplata: Kodairaaaaa Tamaki!

The Japanese, without making much of a fuss, accepts that the referee raise her hand to declare her as the winner. Immediately afterwards, she withdraws, while the Mexican was recovering from that hold.


The Japanese woman walked calmly backstage, having a towel on her shoulders. In her path she meets Sophia Kyriakopoulos, better known as Artemis.

-Congratulations for your victory, Tamaki.

-Arigato, Kyriakopoulos-san.

-I already told you to call me Sophia. Hearing you say my name with that accent sounds weird.

The Japanese shrugs her shoulders while she gave a very slight grin.

-To what do I owe the visit?

-Nothing, I didn't really come to see you. I heard what happened with Dragon and I came to see how she was doing, but she was taken away already.

-Did you know her?

-I have barely spoken to her, but she made me curious. It would be a shame to see her no longer participate.

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