Chapter 19: Under Cover of Darkness

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The City

Chocolate and Maldini were chatting alone in the latter's office.

-How are you sure that this assassination attempt was directed at the Russian? No, actually, why would you care if she was eliminated?

-Regardless of her mission, she's still under my protection, or at least while she's in the tournament; about the first, I thought you were more cunning, Don Maldini.

-We are not in times to speculate, no matter how much our guts scream that it was fucking Sand.

-Oh... I wasn't talking about Sand, or not directly. I don't know, maybe he persuaded someone into giving the order.

-To the Tracker?


-... Cazzo...

-I must admit that I underestimated Sand and overestimated some people in the Council. Our South African pal knows very well the mentality of the most reactionary people around here.

-They don't pay attention to Sand, they pay attention to his idea. Although, I know he isn't someone who likes to have the spotlight. Unless of course...

Chocolate smiles at what Maldini said.

-I think you already understood.

-Those contract killers must have had some contractor or something. I really doubt that the Messiahs are stupid enough to hire them themselves.

-That's right, but that contractor is most likely dead.

-Then I think I should talk to Sand.

-I'd be worried about my security if I were you.

-What do you think that idiot will do to me? Kill me? I appreciate your concern, but he knows what he's getting himself into if he does something stupid like that.

-Who knows? Maybe he could blame someone else if you're dead. Every day that passes I become more fatalistic, and I am realizing that we are not as powerful as we thought –she says with some melancholy, although her smile did not let anyone guess if she was being ironic-.

-At least you are protected.

-Ha, ha, ha! What are you saying? It's me against the world.

-Let's cut the bullshit, you know who I'm talking about.

Chocolate changes her amused face to a slightly serious one.

-Well, they are busy with other things. They won't give a damn actually.

-I know Georgian families are very close.

-Not when you've spent years away from the Motherland.

Maldini suspected that Cholokashvili tried to end the subject, so he convenes.

-Tomorrow I'll see Sand. Trust me, he won't be stupid enough to kill me...or at least not now. I know him, I know he likes to raise hell right off the bat, but he's someone who doesn't trip over the same stone twice: he already fell once with you, but now he's looking for a way to break that stone because everyone saw how he tripped.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha! Men!

-Yes, men; and for that same reason I believe that women should not get involved in this type of matter.

-Would you prefer me in the kitchen or being the wife of a Bigshot?

-I go old country way, as you can see, but I know that times change and I know that I can be wrong.

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