Chapter 24: Молчат Дома (Houses are Silent)

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The City

Natalia was walking through the hall next to an athletic man, which glance denoted that he was an experienced fighter.

The Colombian, with a serious and stoic face, remembered the words that her boss said to her when she arrived the meeting with the Council.

-... How was the meeting, miss Cholokashvili?



-Contact John Neuman -she said as she filed her long fingernails short-.

-The champion of that underground fighting circuit's annual tournament? Why?

-I want to fight someone strong. I wanted to give Ishtar the opportunity, but unfortunately she's indisposed -Chocolate smiles-.


Natalia and the grappler arrive at a huge illuminated gym-like room, in which there was a huge wrestling mat. Tamara Cholokashvili was waiting for them there.

-Hello, sorry for making you come from so far. How was the trip?

-Good, ma'am. Thanks for being so kind to pay my per diem.

-It's nothing, it's for the inconvenience. Well, to the point: let's wrestle.

-Are you sure? Don't make me wrong, I know your reputation, but just for you to know that I'm not known for holding back at any opponent.

-Totally sure, and please don't hold back! Even if we're just grappling, I want you to do everything possible to win. If I don't give up, choke me to into unconsciousness or break my limb. There will be no consequences for you.


-Good! Now, to the dressing room.

The two grapplers were: the man was wearing red wrestling trunks and boots, black knee pads, and no gloves. Chocolate had a burgundy suit, wrestling boots of the same color and black knee pads, wearing her hair in a pony tail. The two of them were in the center of the mat.

-Ready, hun?

-Anytime you wish.


-This match is no limit time, submissions only. Ready?

They both nodded.


The two grapplers collide in a brutal clinch, which even their muscles bulged for the strength they made. After trying to take down each other in that competitive test of strength, Chocolate ends up on the ground. Then, both began to grapple on the mat.

Natalia, still paying attention, remembered more things that Chocolate told her and her henchmen that morning early.

-The meeting was very short: they blamed me for everything that happened, saying that I want to make decisions in a despotic manner and without consulting the Messiahs or the President himself. They accuse me of acting impulsively because of the disappearance of Mariko, who turned out to have been found; she had to return to Japan due to the "death of a family member".

-What?! And why didn't she tell us?

-That's very suspicious, boss -Jacob seconded Natalia-.

-We won't take action against her, but I think it is necessary to let her know that she cannot set foot here, at least for now. Oh, and they also say that I orchestrated Sand's death, since he was found in the same gap where they found those traffickers.

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