Chapter 17: The Force of Fate

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Somewhere in the city

-... It's okay... It seems fine to me. Wait for my call, I might call you soon... Perfect. How are they?...

After a moment of silence, Ishtar, who was talking in a public telephone, Ishtar was talking to someone on a public, changed her stern look into a slight smile on her face.

-Thank you very much. Please make sure they behave.

Ishtar hangs up. While leaving the booth, she meets a familiar face.

-... Oh...

-Hello! What a coincidence!

-Captain Ushakova, I'll ask you a question that I hope won't offend you...

-If it did, I wouldn't mind at all. Go ahead.

- Are you infatuated with me?

-Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! –Ekaterina laughed out loud-... Ha, ha, ha...! Oh! Holy God! Excuse me for laughing like that. But no, I swear, I was passing by here. Look! -Ekaterina had a container that had two frappes- The drinks in that cafe are delicious. Want some?

-And you coincidentally bought two...

-I really like frappes...

Ishtar takes one.

-Thank you.

-You know, it seems that you are not as inhuman as you think after all. Well... except for your prowess in bed.

-I'd appreciate if you'd stop fooling around, otherwise I'll break your neck when we meet.

-I would love for you to dare; if you don't, I'd feel offended.

-Thanks for the drink. Now, if you excuse me...

Ishtar leaves the place, drink in hand. The Russian watches as she leaves, taking a sip of her frappe.

-I want to face you so bad.

Amazon's Coliseum Gym

Ekaterina arrived at the gym, flashing her friendly smile wherever she passed. Many greeted her and she returned the gesture. On her way she meets Elena Pfefferberg, who was lifting weights.


The German turns to see the Russian, who had a dreamy smile.

-What do you want? -She asks reluctantly-.

-Sorry, I didn't want to bother you. I just wanted to come by to wish you luck in today's match. Please don't hold back.

-Look, I'll just tell you this: I don't care what are you capable of, I'm going to beat you, and I'll go to the next round.

-I'm looking forward to that.

Ekaterina leaves, and now she meets Aurora, who was also exercising.

-Hi, cutie!

-Hello, Miss Ushakova!

-Call me Ekaterina, or Katyusha; my warrior's name is a way of saying Ekaterina.

-Can I call you Katy?

-I like that! -she smiles-. Do you want to grapple with me?

-Of course, I'd love to!

-Jarasho! -the woman takes off her pants and sweater, leaving her with a leotard, wrestling boots and red knee pads. Come!


The two fighters were on a huge canvas, drawing the attention of some of those present.

-Look, Aurora and Katyusha are going to fight!

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