Chapter 23: Black Sabbath

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-Let me see my daughter!

-Mr. Navarez, you know very well that you can't pass through the locker room. Any violation of our fighters' privacy will have consequences. I think you're smart enough to know that.

-I don't give a damn! She's my fucking daughter! Have you have a slight idea of who I am?

-Yes, but tell me, who are you to get through a restricted area just like that? What makes you think that Miss Cholokashvili will make a blind eye to the fact that you dared to come in here?



Bernardo Navarez, being at the entrance to the locker room, was facing Natalia Arístides. His angry face changes to a calm but slightly evil feature.

-Soon you and your boss will know about me.

-Show him the way out -Natalia indicated to security-.

-I know the way out, thank you.

The man leaves, followed by security. Natalia now heads to Backstage. Her stoic face changed to a terrified and extremely worried one.

-It can't be, he's not supposed to come here... this is bad, the boss will kill me.

-I think Miss Chocolate has more important things to worry about right now –Karadorde, who was accompanying Natalia, adds-. What I don't like is that this guy looked... I don't know... he was upset, but I could tell that in his mind he knows that he can get away with it.

-What are you talking about?

-Now that Eugenio is out, we have to keep an eye on the Navarez brothers. Something is not right.

Natalia sighs, but then recovers.

-Well, I must see how Afrodita is. Stupid fuck, it's not enough for him to know that her daughter was taken unconscious on a stretcher and he still wanted to chew her out.

Natalia arrives at the infirmary, noticing that the doctors were there, but not the girl.

-Where is Afrodita?

-She left. She's fine technically, she just passed out. But we need to check her further in order to prevent any form of concussion.

-She fucking left?

Natalia leaves the infirmary, bumping into Aurora, Alan and Brandon.

-Have you seen Afrodita?

-We wanted to come see her, but the guards wouldn't let us in because of the mess that idiot was making -Aurora said-.

-I'm dialing Carla to see if she's with her, but she doesn't answer me.

-... It's true, where is Blazer?


In the parking lots, Marissa was being followed by Blazer.

-¡Hey, mensa! Where are you going?

-Leave me alone, Carla!

-Don't be pendeja! Are you going to get like this because of your defeat?

-Defeat? Didn't you see that...?

But before saying anything else, Jonathan makes an appearance.

-What the fuck do you want?! You were the one who brought my dad here, don't you?!

-It's for your own good. Mr. Navarez was about to realize sooner or later –he said this with a sarcastic and mocking face-.

-Go fuck yourself, vato! -Blazer intervened-. I'll count to three for you to...

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