Chapter 16: Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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North Metropolis, one day before Marissa and Carla's fight

Marissa and Carla grappled at Brandon's gym. Aurora and Brandon, in combat gear and a little sweaty, watched the match.

-Yes, Carla! You're taking the pace!

-Could you tell the Fresita to stop groping me?!

-Stop whining! Are you willing to win the tournament like that?

-I prefer fist fighting! Ouch!

Marissa managed to grapple Blazer down, putting her in a Jujigatame.

-Ugh! Motherfucker, I give up!

Marissa releases Blazer.

-That was pretty good -Aurora celebrates, standing up and heading towards her friend-. Are you okay?

-Fine, if we ignore the fact that this güereja wanted to rape me on more than one occasion.

-It's not the first time that you get mounted and you get embarrassed to grapple with me...

-If you're embarrassed it's because you're into it...

Eh, por eso! Rorris, calm your vato down!

-Brandon roasting, now that's something –Marissa says-.

-He has his moments, but he can't with the whole package.


-Anyway, it seems that you're ready for your match.

-I will mop the floor with that Gachupina!

-Bumpkin... as for me, well... I have to do everything possible to beat Damme DeFer -Marissa said, somewhat discouraged-. She's a quite difficult opponent; I know very well that Savate is an extremely tough Martial Art.

-I'm sure you can beat her, Marissa. Also, I feel you: both of us are pressured into winning our match, but that's not going to discourage us, is it?

-... I like your optimism, Aurora. To be honest, you looked gloomy a few days ago.

-I know... although I'm not going to tell you that I feel that good right now, but at least I'm taking it a little more philosophically.

-Even she didn't want to eat tacos last week because she was sad...

-That reminds me, Brandon: you owe me tacos.

-Nope, I invited you and you didn't wanted. Now it's your turn to buy me some.

-But that doesn't count!

-Hey! I want tacos too! ¡Píchame unos!

-Carla –Brandon answers the girl-... I think you earn more than me now; you should treat me.

-I'm not Rorris...

-Speaking of... where's your friend?

-Alan? He got his schedule changed. Why do you ask, Marissa? Are you interested in him?

-Why do you assume that I like him just because I asked for him?! -Marissa said outraged-.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha... I'm saying because you saved his ass the other time, so you might want to hang out with us peasants?

-Don't say stupid things! Also, I don't think he can give me the lifestyle I'm used to.

-Do you really want to be supported? -Brandon intervenes again-.

-Aurora! Hold the leash of your idiotic boyfriend!

-Leave me out of this. Also, Alan is not ugly; he just needs a little more muscle mass.

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