Chapter 15: Bad Girls Running Wild

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NSGNTower, The City

Armando Cabrera arrived at an exclusive bar located at the foot of the iconic tower located in that famous Cluster located in the heart of the City. Inside the place, the prosecutor manages to spot a tall long-haired man sitting at a table in the corner. The prosecutor arrives with the attractive and muscular man, after he raises his hand to get his attention.

-Good evening, prosecutor. How's work?

-It sucks. Agent Serafimovski. How about yours?

-I'm not complaining, but it seems that my boss want me to stay here longer.

-It seems that my State has become quite popular in recent days.

-How can it not be? It has one of the cities that have developed the fastest; fortunately, it is far from becoming that sea of ​​buildings and shit like New York, but it has become a CosmopolitanCity. Money comes; money goes... now you can presume that you are the ones who financially support The Country.

-Not really at all; it seems that you're not very aware of our situation.

-I know the situation of the state and the "Coalition"; however, I know that the governor knows how to be pragmatic enough to keep the Federation happy; that means only one thing: lots of money.

-Yes, but it's not like we're the engine of the country. You know, in this place the only the rich are the ones who get much of the profits; the rest... well, people live as best as they can; though that's thanks to rich foreigners who think they have the power of life and death in my state.

-And politicians who allow it.

-Yes, local and international; and let's not forget international organizations.

-Ha, ha, ha! I like you! Do you want a beer?

-It would be great.

-Waitress, please, another beer and one for the gentleman... which one do you drink?

-Dunkel or Vienna.

-You heard it, thanks. Well, what were we up to? Oh yeah: I called you up to make you a recommendation.

-Which it is?

-Stop your investigation against Cholokashvili.


-How to put it up? Because we are looking for someone worse.

-Anybody worse than Cholokashvili?

-I know, is there anyone worse than Lucifer? Of course! Who knows? We could be talking about God himself; but you and I know that, although that is an issue that does not concern us, especially you who work for the government.

-Cut the bullshit.

-Wrapping it up, there is someone who's willing to make the City, which is know a time bomb, to explode; you can already know it from everything that has happened in recent days.

-You have to attack the source of all that, sir.

-It seems that someone believes that things are one-sided. Let's assume, kill that cat who keeps rummaging through your trash can, killing your birds and shitting in your flower pots; then, thanks to the fact that the cat is already there, a pregnant rat arrives and begins to procreate its offspring in your house. Soon you have your house infested.

-... knows? That doesn't seems as a random analogy. Looks like someone wants to adopt and tame that cat.

-Obviously it has to be sterilized.

-Even so, I seek to punish that person who has encouraged corruption and crime in the State. Her passing through this place and the world has only brought misery. The rats you speak of are easy to deal with; the cat is sneaky, and it's not like one is enough to kill all the rats. Added to that, the State won't choose a single path: it will end the stray cats and rats.

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