Chapter 5: Bloody Pearls

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Minerva Arena, The City

Neither of the two fighters were paying attention to their entrance music, nor to the audience; not even to the referee or the announcer who introduced them. Both walked towards the cage: first Afrodita, then Blazer. Both had a focused glare and were eager to start hostilities.

Without further introductions and ignoring the announcer to say her name, Blazer came face to face with Aphrodite: the two being at almost no distance, looking into each other's eyes with an evident desire to beat the other. The referee had to separate them.

-Hey, wait till the bell rings!

The crowd could see the grudge, so they began to support their favorites, imagining that it would be a very intense match.

-Finish her, Afrodita!

-Kick her head off, Blazer!

Alan arrived with Aurora and Brandon, which were at their respective seats.

-Hello Alan!

-What's up?

-What's going on? I see you uneven.

-Kinda -Alan replied to Brandon-... Carla had an argument yesterday with the rich girl and that's why the two of them want to beat the hell out of each other.

-Oh, no –Aurora put her hand to her head-. I thought Marissa listened to me yesterday!

-Funny thing it wasn't Marissa's fault, or not entirely.

-Are you okay? -Brandon asked Alan-. I see that it hurts when you move.

-It's part of the story, but I'll tell you later.

In the cage, Marissa and Carla glared at each other, while the referee's recommendations seemed to fall on deaf ears.

-... any foul will lead to disqualification, understood?

The two nodded.

-Then... let's get it on!

The crowd didn't even have time to roar at the start of the match, as Blazer swung a powerful reverse spin kick, which could have ended the match if Marissa hadn't grabbed the leg, catches it with her legs and goes to the floor, applying an Achilles Hold.

-Agh, bitch!

-What were you thinking? "Piece of cake!"

-Your "grabby-grabby" won't be enough to defeat me!

Carla kicked Marissa to escape, forcing the girl to switch the hold into an Ankle Lock, but Blazer rolled forward to take advantage of her weight and take her rival down, who didn't gave up on the hold.


-Submit, or I'll break your ankle!

Blazer answered by turning around again; on this occasion, taking advantage of her move, the Latina pulled Afrodita to the floor, now pressing her and proceeding to use a Kimura Lock, at the same time that she placed her foot behind her neck to support the wrench.


Despite the pain, the light-haired one took advantage of her elasticity and Carla's little knowledge of submission holds to be able to roll, break free and take her opponent from behind to try a Suplex, but the black-haired turned, grabbing her arm and trying another Kimura but Marissa spun and took down Carla in a Hip Toss. The one in the pink and black suit tried to subdue her, but Blazer rolled backwards, changing position and began brutally kneeing Marissa in the head in a "North-South" position with both facing the ground, although the impetus of the attack was used by Marissa to stop a knee and try again a leg lock, which was used by her opponent to get away by doing a Cartwheel to the left and, now standing, with her rival on her knees, tried a powerful Roundhouse kick to the head that could rip her rival's head off, although it was barely dodged, feeling the breeze of her rival's foot. To her surprise, Blazer quickly spun, jumped, and tried to plant her face first into the ground with a Jumping Curbstomp as she took advantage of her opponent's crouched position, but Marissa shot up, catching Blazer in midair, and after a spin, she slammed Blazer to the ground in a kind of combination between Belly to Belly Suplex and Powerslam. The audience roared.

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