Chapter 13: Take on Me

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Dragana's theme busted in as the announcer introduced her.

-Arriving at the cage, coming back to the Colosseum, despite having suffered ups and downs, is willing to overcome all the odds. She is willing to be reborn or to die trying. From Croatia: Dragon!

-I bet on you again, damn it! Don't let me down this time!

-She's gonna be torn in pieces again.

-I wouldn't bet on her.

Diana was in the stands; not accompanied by Cabrera this time.

-I hope everything goes well. Stupid Mando, he just goes and tells me that he has work to do. Well... I should be on the office as well –she says with some irony-.

-Good evening! As I promised you, here we have another match! -Tavoron was saying, right next to Diana-.

-Hey! Why are you recording?

-Oh... well... you see...


-I have permission.

-Is that so?

-You can ask Chocolate -Tavoron was nervous-.

-I'm a police officer; I can put you in jail for perjury.

-But that doesn't make any sense...

-Record someone else, but not Dragana.

-Wait... Do you know her?

-Fuck, I messed it up –She muttered-. Do what you want! But leave my Draggy alone!

-Okay, okay, take it easy!

Dragana was already in the cage. At that moment a classic rock song started to play as Siff, an Amazonian blonde with pink rays in her hair and a blue and pink wrestling leotard, came out. Her song had a catchy chorus that said: "Star rider! ...Star Rider! You can't escape your fate!"

-And coming to the ring, from Bergen, Norway: a true Valkyrie who has scored victories after victories both at the Olympic level and here at Amazon's Coliseum. The Nordic Warrior Queen: Siff!

The woman raised her fist high as the audience praised her.

-If she can beat Willingham, she'll tear Dragon apart!

-Dump her out!

The woman enters the cage, facing Dragon.

-Pretty young woman, in advance I'll have to apologize for what I'm going to do to you. I don't care if you had a concussion.

Dragana didn't respond to that, just stared at her sternly. The referee, meanwhile, proceeded to explain the rules.

-... 'Understood? Siff, you don't wear gloves, closed fists punches are not allowed.

-I don't need them.

-Perfect. Ready? –Both fighters nodded-. Then... start!

As the bell rang, the Scandinavian charged towards Dragana, throwing her into a Suplex that was almost a Backdrop Driver, letting Dragana fall almost on her head. The audience roared, but Diana cried out worried and Tavoron winced.

-Draggy, no!

Siff spins in pure Olympic style with athletic mastery as she had Dragana on her clutches, getting to her up with her victim, ready for another Suplex, but the Croatian holds onto her feet to avoid being thrown; however, Siff takes her opponent down forward, starting to wrestle her down; to the surprise of many, Dragana also managed to go toe-to-toe with that experienced wrestler.

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