Chapter 22: Amadeus

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The City.

Chocolate was walking at full speed down a corridor towards a huge meeting room. Natalia, Karadorde and Jacob accompanied her. Once they reach a door, a woman greets them.

-Miss Cholokashvili, Miss Natalia, gentlemen, the Chairman awaits you.

The woman opens for the visitors to get in; giving way to a huge office whose dim lighting could not do what the city lights and the moon did: to illuminate the prevailing darkness that engulfed the office of the Chairman.


-Can we talk alone?

Chocolate turns to see her companions, nodding at them, to which they all obey, although Natalia was somewhat reluctant.

-"Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, 'Come!'. So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown..."

-"... and he rode out to overcome and conquer".

-Little Tamara, you are that white rider that came out conquering everything in its path. However, not everything ends with the arrival of that first rider. What happens when the Second Seal is opened?

-"And when the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say: 'Come and see!'. Then another horse went forth. It was bright red, and its rider was granted permission to take away peace from the earth and to make men slay one another. And he was given a great sword".

Chocolate had a face of regret, she felt vulnerable.

-Now then, little Tamara, Famine will soon come; after it, Death. Your kingdom is suffering from the breaking of the 7 seals.

-I have sinned a lot in recent years; perhaps the time for my judgment will come.

-Typical of a Christian like you... a bad Christian, a bad daughter of God.

-... a bad daughter of God.

-What happened to that disobedient son of God? The one who rebelled against him.

-He fell like lightning from heaven.

-You are Satan.

-The adversary.

-Many calamities will befall you, little Tamara. The question is... Will you resist?



Chocolate, Natalia and the bodyguards of the first were in a limousine, probably heading to Amazon's Coliseum facilities.

-Will you always be by my side?

They all nod in their own way, Natalia being the most notorious.

-Even if the outcome is too ungrateful? Even if death is the only certain thing in this journey?

Everyone nods again, with Natalia adding the following.

-I would give my life for you.

-Okay -Chocolate finally smiles-. This is going to hurt, but... being honest, pain excites me.


Metropolitan Capital

Armando Cabrera was in a meeting with Diana Alanís and many of his agents.

-The cameras in the building were damaged; we couldn't know who could have entered Eugenio Navarez's apartment -said one of the investigators-.

-There are also no footprints in the room or anywhere. It was planned meticulously.

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