Chapter 6: Dark Blue

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The City

It was early in the morning. Natalia Arístides, Chocolate's secretary, slept peacefully, until the noise of her cell phone wakes her up.

-Hnnngh... ¡Qué gonorrea!

Natalia takes angrily her cell phone, but her annoyed face changes when she sees who was calling her.

-¡Carajo! -Answer the phone-. Yes, Mrs. Cholokashvili?

Naty, darling! Sorry for waking you up at this hour, but I received a call from the hospital. Could you do me a little favor?

Natalia didn't look very happy, but her devotion to her boss was stronger.

-Yes, tell me...


In one of the most prestigious hospitals in the city, accompanied by a doctor, Natalia walked through the corridors with her office suit, her glasses and a face almost zombified by lack of sleep.

-... And that's what happened, Miss Arístides.

-Hm'hm... so you're wasting the time of my boss and me just to tell me that she can now be discharged.

-Well, if you paid attention, I think I would recommend more studies. I'm kind off anxious for the fact that right now she is as if nothing had happened. In fact, I would recommend that she avoids fighting again for a while.

-I didn't get the part where that concerns me...

Natalia entered Dragana's room, approaching to the girl who was sitting on her bed.

-So... do you feel better?


-Do you feel like you can fight right now?


-Look, girl. I'm drowsy and in a bad mood, so tell me if you can keep fighting.

-... probably not...

Natalia was almost stupefied. She blinks a bit, but before saying anything, Dragana speaks again.

-Can you notify prosecutor Armando Cabrera?

-... Of course.


Armando and Diana arrived at the hospital, and then went to Dragana's room. The woman was happy to see the girl alive and well; Armando also seemed happy, but he noticed in the Croat's gaze that something was wrong.


Diana approaches Dragana but this time she felt like she was talking to a rock.


-... I'm sorry –the European begins to sob-... I'm sorry for making you waste your time.

-What are you talking about?

-Dragana –Armando approaches-... the doctor told me that you are fine, although they will discharge you tomorrow just to do some studies to see everything is in order. But tell me, what happens?

-I... I made a mistake coming here. That day I realized that I'm not strong enough... I will not be able to avenge my father... so I made the decision to withdraw from the tournament.

Diana looked quite surprised; Armando too, but he seemed slightly relieved.

-You see, maybe it's the best. The City is not a place for people like you, people who, as far as it goes, still have the chance to start over.

-No, it's too late for me to start again. I can't have a normal life anymore. Just look at how Ming Yue died. All my loved ones are dying by staying by my side. The same will happen to you, so I made the decision to return to Croatia.

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