Chapter 8: White Rabbit

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Some town in Ingushetia, Russian Federation. Some years ago.

Paramilitaries waited patiently on a road that was hidden between the passes of the Caucasus mountain range, with a middle-aged man with a bushy beard leading them. After some time of waiting, a huge big truck arrives on the scene, staying right in front of them. A small man and three larger ones, the latter armed, got out of the vehicle.

-Sorry for the delay –speaks the small man-, but we had to choose to go through Georgia and take a detour through Chechnya because Ossetia is full of Russian patrols; obviously the Georgians held us back, but nothing that a call and a bribe wouldn't cover.

-Will the bribe be included in the bill? -After the joke made by the paramilitary leader of the Caucasus, his companions laughed-.

-Not at all! –Says the carrier jovially-. That was already covered.

-Whew! That young lady is quite generous.

After saying this, everyone approached the trailer; upon a command from the short black-haired man, one of his guards opened the trailer, displaying an impressive arsenal.

-Ho...! Exquisite! Christmas came early for us, guys –laugh their companions-.

-I thought Muslims didn't celebrate Christmas.

-Well, now we will do it with our brand new Santa Claus. Too bad she's an atheist.

-The lady is a fervent Christian believer. The problem is that she knows that she has already earned hell, so she doesn't care anymore.

-At least she's aware of that, I like that! Guys! -He yells at his soldiers in their language-. Go get the truck and the others; we're going to pass the weapons to the other truck.

-Hey, wouldn't it be better if you guys take this truck?

-No, we prefer to use our own transportation. Also, I've been told that Georgians have a lot of venereal diseases.

-I am Georgian, but the guys here are Abkhazians.

-Abkhazians and Georgians cooperating... hell is going to freeze over today. You don't have much of a choice anyway; we'll take the weapons in our trucks.

-As you wish.

But at that moment, three paramilitaries fell due to accurate shots to the head.

-Ambush! I knew it! It was a trap!

But the theory of the paramilitary leader went to waste when his guards fell; a shootout was about to take place, but the group never knew from which part of the mountains the bullets were coming from. After that entire massacre, the paramilitary leader and the trafficker were the only survivors of that attack; both put their hands up after seeing several Spetsnaz troops arrive on the scene, shouting in Russian and forcing the two to get down on the floor.

-Russian pigs! I won't tell you anything! -The warlord cursed-. You can torture me all you want, but I won't tell you anything. I already know how to deal with beasts like you.

-Don't worry, Zelimkhan, we're not here this time for you or your insurgent puppies -said the voice of an individual who approached, wearing a balaclava, which she took off, revealing a beautiful woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes-.

-The Bitch of the Kuban.

-Oh, don't say it out loud! My men will have a misconception of me and will think that I'm a piece of cake for them -the Russian joked-.

-Damn Cossack bitch, I swear I'll kill you, but not before having my men rape you until you scream to be killed.

-Don't promise a woman something that you're not sure if you can fulfill -she said with a dark sweetness-. But don't worry, we're not here for you, we're here for this gentleman.

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