Chapter 12: I'm not a Girl (Not yet a Woman)

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The audience was gathered and excited for the first fight of the week: Aurora showed self-confidence and her pose was quite imposing, with both hands on her waist. She had already become a crowd favorite for her past feat.

-Come on, She -Wolf!

-Finish her!

In front of her, bearing a serious look, was Willingham. She was slightly annoyed by the way She -Wolf looked at her, as if he didn't take her seriously. The referee had finished explaining the rules.

-Ready to dance with me?

-...Are you taking this seriously?

-Why do you ask?

-I can smell that you think I'll be a piece of cake.

-Well, if you fight like in your previous fight, I'll be very disappointed.

Willingham doesn't reply, just makes a slight grimace.

- Ready? –Asks the referee, receiving the affirmation of both-... So... Let's get it on !

Almost instantly, without the Englishwoman expecting it, She -Wolf charges at her, grabbing both legs, hoisting her and brutally slamming her to the ground, hitting also the steel mesh and causing the British to let out a choked-out groan.

The crowd erupted in joy, seeing how the girl in blue and red used her elbow to try to strangle opponent, giving her a pretty rough time.

Viktoria watched from the stands, serious and with her arms crossed.

-I'm here –Brandon arrived-... it started faster than I thought.

-... Did she say something to you in the locker room?

-Nothing of relevance, she is just confident that she will win. It looks like she wants to get this over quickly.

-I hope that's her intention...

In the cage, Aurora was on top of her rival, placing her forearm between her rival's neck and chin and squeezing as if she wanted to dislodge her jaw.

- Come on, play with me!

-Tshh ... You bloody scrubber!

Aurora pressed harder, while also pushing to have her opponent's head against the fence. The British tried in vain to get rid of her.

-Are you tired? Come on!

Aurora turns, and Greco-Roman style drags her rival into the middle of the ring. Willingham tried to escape, but she was taken by the legs, being placed in a Figure Four, while leaving her rival face down. Aurora, being back-to-back with her opponent, took her by the toe and pulled it like a lever with her right arm, while with the left she pulled her rival's face in a very classic Pro-Wrestling hold.

-You give?

-Fucking whore...

-You say what?

Aurora now spins around and mounts her rival, while now having her in a Hammerlock .

-Say that again...

- I said "fucking whore". Stop playing with me...

-Then fight me!

Aurora takes her in a Double Chickenwing, tries to roll and apply Bodyscissors, but Willingham rolls, and slips away from that hold.


The British grabs her opponent by the head trying a Front Lock while they were both on their knees, but Aurora rolls, forcing her rival to change position, placing her face down while she continued in that "North-South" position, applying an arm lock by placing it under hers.

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