Chapter 9: The Beautiful People

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The City

The matches continued: Xanadu had Neon Mistress pinned to the ground in a Crossbody Pin, trying to spin her into a headlock.

-Ahnn! Don't be so rude, girl...

The Mongolian tried to ignore her, although she looked uncomfortable; when trying a hold, the Italian turned and now placed her on her back, mounting on her opponent's neck; the problem was that Xanadu had her arm pinned too: it was a Mounted-Triangle Choke. The Asian tried to do everything possible to escape, but it was useless; meanwhile, Tatiana was doing her characteristic "mischief".

-How are you doing?! –Asked to the public, while making sexy poses, and even some hip-movements to the audience's approval-.

-How about you down there, sweetheart?

-Aaagh! Ghhk...

-Don't you like it? Won't you do me a favor down there?

-Hhhghh... Ahh...

Xanadu, without saying a word, taps Tatiana's thigh, announcing her surrender.

-What a victory, ladies and gentlemen! The winner by submission: Neon Mistress!

The girl, still on top of her rival, posed sensually for her audience.

-Can you get down?

-Just a minute, dear. I love this pose.


The next match was a pretty tough one: pro wrestler Emy Starr went toe-to-toe with Mixed Martial Artist Dumas. Both grappled fiercely, with Emy doing some Pro-Wrestling holds like Boston Crabs, Stretch Mufflers, Dragon Sleepers or Crossfaces, as well as one or another Suplex and even Piledrivers attempts; Dumas, on the other hand, focused on takedowns, punches, headbutts, elbows and other strikes.

The two did not give in, to the point where now the two were struggling on the mat. Emy was on top of the Canadian blonde, taking her in a headlock, but the one in the blue bikini was punching Emy's face and sides.

-Why don't you give up?

-Fuck off!

-Ha, ha, ha! I'll stick a bar of soap in your mouth for that foul language!

-Try it if you can, bitch!

The two struggled like this, until the bell rang. The 20 minutes passed. A part of the public celebrated for the tremendous combat, another was not so satisfied with the result.

-Give them 5 more minutes!

Emy and Dumas were still locked in.

-What a pity! Just when it was getting good.

-Let me go, bitch!

-It was fun! We must do it again.

-I'll count to three.

-'Rite, 'rite... Jesus Christ!

-Ladies and gentlemen! Time's up! The match ended in a draw!

Both fighters stood up, with the referee taking both of their hands, but without raising them when announcing the tie. That was the last fight of the night.


Jennifer's injury was being treated in Backstage, Bunny was beside her.

-Are you sure you are alright?

-Yes! –Said Demeter, smiling, but with a grimace of pain; on her calf she had an ice bag-. It was just the overstretching; luckily I gave up before I got my knee screwed up.

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