Chapter 20: Dancing with myself

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Minerva Arena, The City

Aurora was sitting up, with her wrestling outfit on, and concentrating. She could hear the roar of the crowd outside waiting for her to come out. Brandon was in front of her.

-Well, it's time. Are you ready?

-Yes, this isn't the time to play around. I must win.

-Very well, then go out and win. Conquer the cage.

-I'll do that!

Aurora stands up and looks into Brandon's eyes, both of them determined.

-I would kiss you, but I think I'm so determined that today I don't feel cheesy.

-We will celebrate your victory in our own way.

-If I lose, fuck me until I forget the taste of defeat.

-And if you win?

-Fuck me until I forget the taste of victory.

-That makes no sense.

-It does, so I don't get hoity-toity like when I defeated Dragana.

-Yeah, you're right.

Aurora laughs lightly and walks away.

-Good luch...


Aurora's theme blasts the venue. The crowd was excited, though those emotions were also mixed: after her loss to Willingham, those who believed in her were skeptical, but others still wanted to believe.

-She-Wolf! You can't lose, dammit!

-I bet your pass from the beginning! Win, for fucks sake!

Meanwhile, Chocolate proceeded to introduce the young woman.

-Arriving at the cage, the surprise of the tournament; reaching the 32 Round-robin with an almost perfect record; superhuman strength and the physique of a warrior goddess, the Wolf of the NorthernMountains: She... Wolf!

The girl arrived at the cage with a determined face, glaring into the eyes of the Georgian woman, who smiles at her.

-The cage is yours, win or lose, do not disappoint me.

Without replying, Aurora climbed up the cage, reaching the top of it and letting out her classic howl. The audience still reacted favorably to these "theatrics".

In the stands, Brandon arrived with Viktoria, Blazer and Marissa, who were present to watch the match.

-Oh, you're here...

-We can't?

-Woah, calm down, Marissa.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha! La fresa se escamó.

-By the way, where's Alan?

-Taking care of Ale's house -Marissa explains the direct question to Brandon-.

-Yes, the princess leave him lunch.

Even Viktoria looked surprised at that response.

-Fucking Carla, I told you not to tell anyone!

-Oh, that's kind of nice, actually.

-Don't get it wrong! –Marissa replied offended-. Alan told me that he had forgotten his lunch at his house, so I bought him something...

-Something? You bought him like two 12-inch sandwiches, potato wedges and even a slice of chocolate cake.

-I don't want him to be taking food away from Ale, okay? Enough, I want to see the fight!

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