Chapter 3: Lovefool

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Târgu Mureș, Romania, a few years ago.

In a fancy restaurant, a party was taking place, where well-dressed men and women celebrated, dined and drank.

The center of everyone's attention was a pale, tall, black-haired, thin and handsome man in his thirties.

-Happy birthday, Árpad! You've already managed to live a long life; be careful, time is running out -a chubby man congratulated-

-Come on, I just turned 32!

- Yes, but it's a prowess that you grow up old in this kind of business.

-Well, I am a man who usually breaks with traditions. Ah, well, well! About fucking time!

A long-haired young man arrived. His dressing contrasted with the ones of the rest of the guests because his lack of etiquette; although that did not matter to Árpad, who receives him effusively.

-Are you drinking that crap again?

-This is real alcohol, not like that piss for pussies you drink.

-This pussy can make you his bitch.

-Somebody get me a choker! I need to put a leash on this bitch!

Everybody laugh at the foul joke

-Come, Momcilo, I bet you're hungry. Will you finally dare to lay with one of these beauties? –Árpad introduced the Serbian man a group of beautiful women who didn't took their eyes off the attractive young man-.

-Not today, Árpad.

-I can get you guys as well. I got some African dudes as well.

-Very funny, Árpad, but I'm not in a hurry to get out of the dry dock.

-Damn, even the priests fuck more than you.

-Well, if they are of my religion, yes; if they are from yours, I remind you that I don't fuck underage.

-And I'm the funny guy! Come on, let me introduce you to some friends.

The man they called Árpad presented Momcilo as his "associate" from the "Company in Serbia". The young man stood out for his "bad guy" demeanor, despite the fact that he was somewhat shy in front of women, giving him a mysterious air.

At one point in the party, Árpad was already quite drunk and Momcilo was "slightly toasted". They were chatting in the balcony.

-It sucks, isn't it?


-That she's not coming...

-For the love of God, Árpad, give her a break! Remember that she doesn't really like this kind of environment.

-But it's my birthday, damn it! I mean... I know that she would've preferred to have another kind of family. And no, I'm not asking her to return me the favor of rescuing her from those fucking traffickers, but... Kurva! I'm not asking her for much than to come and greet me... a letter, a text message or something!

-It's still early...

-It's fucking 10 o'clock!

Then, both men watched from the balcony how a car arrived in front of the building. From the vehicle descended a beautiful woman with reddish hair and a beautiful red dress with a white mink coat on top of her.

-See? There she is!

Árpad, without another word, got up quickly and went downstairs.

-After you, mate.

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