Independence Day*

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Dark brown eyes scanned the meeting room of the Hall of Justice as a certain brunette rested her face on the palm of her hand

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Dark brown eyes scanned the meeting room of the Hall of Justice as a certain brunette rested her face on the palm of her hand. Leg bouncing from excitement and nerves before letting out a loud sigh, Lennon Castellanos finally decided to say what was on her mind. "So why am I here if Ollie isn't letting me join in on this whole superhero gig?" The 15 year old asked with a snarky tone, sitting on one of the chairs across from Dinah as they waited for her friends and their respectable mentors to arrive. Her perfectly manicured hand tapped on the table as her anxiety began to take over. The room was overly decorated with streamers, balloons and a big sign hung behind them with the words CONGRATS written and painted little figures of the brunette's friends in their superhero costumes. She wondered if she overdid it with the decorations and if Batman was going to scowl the moment he saw them. Then again what did it matter, the dark knight was hardly happy with anything so this would be no different and there was no way she was going to take all of it down now. You see, today was the day. The day where the League was finally going to give their protégés certain League access. Today was the day but not for you. The voice crept up on her again causing her to scowl. No, she was not going to let jealousy ruin her friends' day.

Though Lennon had grown up learning the basics of magic, considering it was in her blood, Oliver forbade her from becoming a hero for unknown reasons. Her grandfather who she was extremely close with and often received her lessons from had agreed with Oliver, much to her surprise. At first the brunette found it hypocritical considering  that the two of them were part of the League and her older adoptive brother, Roy was GA's partner, Speedy. And no matter how many times she brought up that argument the archer was adamant from allowing her to ever join on any hero stuff.  Eventually as the years went on Lennon gave up arguing with her legal guardian when she realized the adults in her life were never going to change their mind but unbeknownst to them she would sometimes sneak out with her friends and help them on their many patrols. At first she felt bad for going behind Ollie's back but she tired of being told no without a proper reason.. And though she had to keep her nightly outing amongst herself and best friend's, the young witch still loved hearing her friends and brother's stories, always dreaming about the day where she no longer had to hide.

"Oliver thought that Roy and the others would love seeing you here as they get adjusted to their new privileges." Dinah softly explained, lovingly stroking the girl's hair. Lennon had known the blonde since she was 13 years old, loving the fact the older woman was Black Canary. She became close friends with Oliver as they worked together within the League and eventually began dating. Over the past few years the blonde became a sort of  surrogate mother to Lennon and would always be there for her when she needed it, which was more often as of now.

"So in other words I'm just the cheerleader."


Twirling a strand of her hair, the young girl looked over at Black Canary giving the woman a small frown. "I love the boys and supporting all of their accomplishments, but this one is just adding more salt to my wound. What's the point of being here if I'm not anyone's partner?" She asked in a small voice, slightly pouting at the fact that she probably won't step into the Hall of Justice again. "Am I not good enough?"

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