Impossible Promises*

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When Lennon was three years old, she finally understood the concept of death and she hated it.

One day when she was playing around at the park while Oliver watched her, Lennon had wandered off and found a black injured crow hiding between some bushes. Poor thing was terrified when she found him. He had been attacked by a sinister looking school boy and his malicious cat. Luckily for the animal Lennon felt him immediately took him home. She did everything and anything to nurse him back to health. From talking to it and wrapping him up in warm blankets to hand feeding him and caressing his little head. Unfortunately, despite her best efforts the crow didn't make it past the third night. Lennon was absolutely devastated.

Now at 15 years old, teenage Lennon still often thought about the little crow, still living with the guilt that she didn't do more for him. She still remembered how it felt when she first found him and the wave of emotions that ran through her tiny body when her powers accidentally took in too much. She remembered feeling its pain and wishing to take it away but she was young and her power hadn't fully surfaced.

"Why did Mr. Crow have to go?" Three year old Lennon innocently asked, crying and clinging on to Oliver. "Did he not like being here?"

Oliver kissed the top of Lennon's head. It broke his heart to hear her broken voice. "Of course he did sweetheart." He assured her.

"So why did he leave?"

Oliver took a deep sigh. She was still too young to know about this. "Well Mr. Crow, he passed away."

"You mean he died?"

The blonde hesitated for a moment. "Yeah.. He died.."

"Like papá?" Oliver froze. It had been over two years since Andrés' death and during that time Lennon couldn't fully comprehend where he was. She just knew that he wasn't anymore and no amount of wishing or magic would ever bring him back.

"Just like your papá." He finally answered, his voice cracking a bit. She was too young to be told this. She was too young to be living without a father. Oliver thought he had more time before Lennon fully understood what had happened to her dad. Lennon sniffled.

"I loved Mr. Crow."

"And he knew that. He was only with us for such a short amount of time but he was very loved by you and he left that world knowing that someone cared for him. And when the time comes you'll be reunited with him again. For now he'll have to live in here and in here." He explained pointing to the little girl's head and chest.

Little Lennon stayed quiet for a moment, allowing Oliver to take her back to her room where he tucked her in for bed. As the blonde was leaning to give her kiss on the forehead she spoke up again. "Ollie?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Will you and papá Emilio ever leave me?"

This broke Oliver's heart. "Not for a very very long time." He promised.

Lennon stared at herself as she attempted to get ready for her grandfather's funeral. She was already dressed, wearing a black dress with black tights. Her hair was down, neatly brushed with two small hair pins on each side. The very same hair pins Emilio had gifted her when he returned back from one of his unspoken journeys. All she needed to do was her makeup, but every time she attempted to fix her face she would only break down in tears causing everything to rub off and leave her cheeks stained and splotchy. She could have easily used a glamor spell but she wasn't in the right mind to think of any. All week due to her grief her powers have been going haywire and she didn't want to risk using them without causing a problem. In the end she just wasn't ready for this. She would never be ready for this. For a long time even at her age, she naively believed that she would have more time with grandfather. Foolishly hoping that he would live forever. She had never imagined losing him like she had lost her father. God was she stupid.

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