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"Sweetie, you've been staring at the cake for the past 30 minutes

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"Sweetie, you've been staring at the cake for the past 30 minutes. I already told you, you did an amazing job. Jay is going to love it." Dinah calmly stated as she continued to watch Lennon freak out.

"I don't believe you." She huffed inspecting the cake for the 20th. Noticing that the blonde shook her head while laughing not taking her concerns seriously, the girl threw her arms up in despair. "Dinah, this cake has to be perfect." she whined. "It's for Jay's birthday and if he hates the cake then that means he's going to hate me and I don't think I can live with that." Lennon began to ramble. "If he hates me then so will Barry and then Iris since she's married to him and then Wally since he's their nephew-"

Dinah grabbed the poor girl from the shoulders. "Lennon, I need you to calm down. Breath in and then out." She instructed. Lennon did as she was told, taking a breath in then out, eventually calming down. "Better?"


"Now like I've told you for the past hour, the cake turned out amazing and no one is going to hate you over it. Now, go finish packing before Barry and Wally get here." Dinah ordered.

Lennon's face lit up remembering Oliver (after some convincing from Dinah) agreed to let her stay over at Wally's for the night. "You're right I need to make sure I have everything and I also have to touch up my makeup." Running off to her room, Lennon nearly ran into Oliver who had just walked into the kitchen. "Hi Ollie! Bye Ollie!" she yelled out, making the blonde man laugh. "If they get here before I come down make sure they don't hover over the cake! Don't want a repeat from last time." Lennon yelled from the hall.

"Did she finally calm down?" Oliver asked as he took a seat on one of the island chairs.

Dinah let out a small laugh before nodding her head. "After having a mental breakdown for the past hour." Finishing the bouquet of flowers for Lennon, Dinah looked over at Oliver who was deep in thought. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Oliver let out a sigh. "She's growing up too fast."


"When I gained custody of her she could barely walk and talk and would never leave my side and now she's fighting bad guys, baking cakes and hanging out with delinquents."

Dinah stopped cutting the last of the stems and placed her hand on her hips, snorting at Oliver's comment. "The boys aren't delinquents, Ollie." The blonde shot her a look. "Wally isn't a delinquent. He's Barry's nephew, Kid Flash. Lennon's best friend." she pointed out. "You've known him since he was a kid."

"Best friend? Dinah, I see how that boy looks at her." He quietly hissed, making sure Lennon was still upstairs. 

"How?" Dinah asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly how I look at you." He begrudgingly said. "I knew I should have shot him with an arrow when I had a chance."

"Shot who with an arrow?" Emilio asked, walking into the kitchen.

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