Alpha Male*

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Lennon had accepted her brush with death from merely a few hours ago

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Lennon had accepted her brush with death from merely a few hours ago. Sure she was still slightly shocked that she had stopped breathing before she gained consciousness but for the young girl nothing was as bad as having a near death experience than having Oliver Queen breathe down your neck every 5 minutes asking if you're okay or if you need anything. That was Lennon's current situation and although she loved Ollie, the moment they got home last night, the archer would not leave her side, even sleeping on her bedroom floor and getting up at the crack of dawn to make her her favorite breakfast foods. Now the following morning as the Lanterns and other League members helped fix the cave, the teen superheroes sat on a table. Lennon, who was in between Wally and Artemis, was bored out of her mind and wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but since they wanted answers she opted to sketch several of the League members who were working. Right now she was drawing an angry Superboy, momentarily showing it to KF who just rolled his eyes.

Placing a bowl of pretzels in front of Wally and handing Lennon a bag of gummies, Oliver wanted the meeting to start so he could take his adopted daughter home and spend the rest of the day with her. "Thanks, but no thanks." Wally said, pushing away the bowl and denying the salty snack.

"Yeah." Robin agreed. "What we want are answers about Red Tornado and his siblings."

"Exactly." Oliver looked over at the red head before grabbing the bowl. "Leave the bowl." Wally mumbled, taking a couple of pretzels and shoving them in his mouth.

Looking up from her journal and placing her pencil down, Lennon looked over at Oliver. "As fun as it is sketching the League put the cave back together what are you guys-" the brunette was soon cut off when she along with everyone else saw Conner running towards Kaldur and grabbing him from the collar.

"You knew?!" He yelled. "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann. Lennon was dead for a moment!"

M'gann immediately flew over to her boyfriend, shocked by his sudden anger. "Conner, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing." He angrily said, causing the Martian to step back in shock and say nothing more, clearly upset.

"You knew?" Robin asked

"And didn't tell us?" Wally added. "Lennon was dead for 30 seconds, Kaldur! 30 seconds! We could have lost her!"

"Wait? What!" Oliver and Dinah yelled looking over at said girl who grimaced.

"For like 30 seconds." She argued.


"Dammit Conner." she muttered under her breath, they were never supposed to find out but the kryptonian with anger issues had to open his big fat mouth.

"I sought to protect the team from..." Kaldur began to explain.

"Protect us from what?" Artemis began to yell. "Knowledge that might have saved our lives?"

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