memento vivere pars II*

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Fate Tower, that's where Lennon found herself. Looking around, running her fingers through the spine of books she often read when she had training with Nabu, the brunette couldn't help but feel a bit relieved. For the past two years this is where she often trained, surprisingly becoming another home to the girl. Though they had their differences, the young Witch and the Lord of Order had come to an understanding with one another to the point the former actually respected him to some level. Grabbing one of the books that always piqued her interest, Lennon skimmed through some pages, taking in the smell of the old book and the feeling of the cover. "I'm not surprised that's your favorite book." A voice said from behind her. "It was your father's as well."

"People have always told me we were so alike but I never really believed them." Turning around, Lennon gave the man a warm smile. She was glad to see him again. "Hello Mr. Nelson, it's been a while."

Losing one of their own especially after losing Jason just a couple months prior came t. Lennon's body was transported back to the WatchTower until funeral arrangements could be arranged. Oliver and Dinah had gone back home to properly mourn their daughter, with the archer locking himself up in his office and destroying everything in anger. While Dinah had stayed in the room holding one of Lennon's jackets being consoled by her father. Roy had disappeared wanting to be alone. Hal and Barry had taken the duty to inform the Garricks, Wally's parents and Iris of Lennon's passing, a duty they never thought they had to do. Most of the members of the team were sent home or to their rooms, while the original members, Mark and of course Bow had gathered in the kitchen.

M'gann was being held by Superboy, the Martian's face on her boyfriend's face as she struggled to stop crying. Zatanna and Rocket were by the corner, their arms linked to one another, sniffling coming from both girls. Kaldur leaned on the counter staring into nothing while Mark sat on the floor petting Bow who laid beside him. Artemis was by the table emotionlessly staring at the floor, the girl clutching on to her to her best friend's crossbow, something she hadn't let go off. Nightwing sat on the couch not knowing what to say or do. His older sister was gone and his best had run off to the souvenir room mourning the love of his life.

"How long has it been?" Kent Nelson asked.

"5 years." Lennon answered. The two were sitting across from each other, both on their favorite chairs and a cup of tea on their laps, just like old times.

"Has a lot changed?"


"Is Wally still bullheaded?"

Lennon laughed and shook her head. "Not as much as before but you'll be happy to know that Flash Boy finally believes in magic. Thanks to my good influence." She joked.

"I'm glad." The two stayed silent for a moment with the older man, taking a sip of his tea and watching as Lennon ran her fingers on the book she hadn't put back. She had grown so much from the last time he saw her. Emotionally and magic wise. She was now a young woman filled with confidence and felt much more powerful than when she was just 15 years old. Not that he ever doubted her. "I'm sorry about Emilio." Kent spoke up. "His death was too soon and unexpected."

.Lennon swirled her cup of tea with her spoon. "Nothing in life could have prepared me in losing him when I did. I didn't take it well but Wally and my friends helped me. The former host could see the slight blush on the girl's face. He was glad she wasn't alone. The brunette bit the inside of her cheek before speaking up again. "Mr. Nelson?"

"Yes, Lennon?"

"Was it hard when you lost Inza?"

"I was heartbroken." Kent answered honestly. "Devastated and a part of me died with her." This made her think of Wally. "But I continued to live on for her memory because I know that's what she would have wanted."

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