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Death had always been interested in Lennon

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Death had always been interested in Lennon. Since the moment the girl was born, Death had followed her like a shadow. Watching, lurking, curious of the girl and her abilities, inexplicably attracted to her presence and power.. Watched as she lived life going through more losses than anyone should have to go through at her age. So when Lennon had encountered Death on more than one occasion  they always held their breath, consumed with guilt. They weren't ready to take her from the world. In fact they were wishing, no, hoping that she of all people would escape their clutches and she did. More than once until Lennon finally gave up. Death watched as the young witch took her last breath to the sound of her boyfriend's muffled cries and the feeling of his fast heartbeat. Her final thoughts on how much she loved him and how sorry she was for leaving him but the brunette welcomed death with ease, for she no longer believed there was any light in a world full of darkness worth fighting for especially when she was the cause.

When Lennon opened her eyes, the brunette had half expected to find herself at a place she had made several  happy memories at, such as her childhood home, the cave, Queen-Castellanos Manor, fuck even Keystone High but when the brunette found herself in a dark and familiar city she didn't see as home, she instantly assumed she was being punished for some of the sins she had committed in her life. What sins? The girl had no idea, she just assumed life wanted to continue punishing her even after death. Slowly picking herself up, Lennon realized she was wearing her superhero costume, clean and free from any rips, tears and blood. "What the fuck?" The girl mumbled to herself. "My supersuit looks exactly how it did when I first wore it almost three years ago. Err minus the boobs of course." She said with a giggle. Looking around the young witch recognized various buildings she had often seen in Gotham City, confirming what she had already known. Walking around the rooftop until she made it to the other side, the brunette looked down to hear the busy streets of Gotham City, cars were honking trying to make it to their destination, people were walking down the streets talking and laughing and though everything seemed so familiar to the girl she knew this wasn't real, Gotham City was hardly this peaceful. "Oh god." She breathed out. " I've died and gone to hell!"

"Mmm, you've died but I wouldn't say you've gone to hell." A familiar voice said, making the girl instantly turn around when she recognized the voice.

Feeling her throat hitch as tears instantly weld up in her eyes, the young witch no longer doubted that she was dead, not when her former teammate stood in front of her. "Jason?" She managed to croak out.

"Hey Lenny." The former boy wonder said, giving the brunette a large cheeky smile she had longed to see again since his tragic and unexpected death, standing next to his favorite gargoyle wearing his Robin suit. "It's been a while."


When Wally and Lennon finally started dating all he could think about was having a future with her. They had even planned it all out on his 18th birthday: Go to college together. Graduate. Travel the world before they both found their dream jobs back in Central City. Get married. Buy a home. Eventually settle and semi-retire in order to live a normal life with their future kids. And the last thing they were supposed to do was grow old together until it was their time. That's what Wally had envisioned with Lennon, that's what the two had dreamed of, but all that was taken away from them as the broken hero  cried over his girlfriend's corpse as tears continued to flow down his cheeks and his super suit now covered in her blood. The boy had become so distraught that he had failed to notice that his teammates had finally reached him, not that it mattered since it was too late.

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