sequuntur somnia*

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"Hello? Wally?! Dick?! Dad

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"Hello? Wally?! Dick?! Dad..." Lennon called out, the last name cracking a bit. The brunette didn't know where she was. She didn't remember anything. All she knew was she was alone and scared.

"Lennon." A voice sang out. "Lennon... Come here mi amor."

"Who's there?" She shouted, trying to hide her nerves.

"Come find me..." Lennon hesitated for a bit. She didn't know who was calling out to her and she wasn't sure if she wanted to find out. But turning in every direction it's not like she had another choice so she ran into the pitch darkness. For all she knew she was being lured to her death without even knowing it.

Lennon stopped in her tracks and her heart fell. She couldn't believe what was in front of her. "No." She cried under her breath. A few feet away was the car accident that took her dad's life. She could see the car completely totaled. Blood smeared on the road. Her father's limp body inches away from the back door. "This isn't real. Wake up." She said to herself, smacking herself on the head. "Wake up!"

"I assure you this is real." A dark voice said. "Happened 17 years ago." Lennon opened her eyes and found a woman standing right in front of her. Long black hair. Fingers filled with rings. A pendant around her neck with a dark colored crystal. Her eyes were slightly darker than Lennon's.

"Who are you?" Lennon asked in a near whisper. "What do you want from me?"

"All of that will be answered soon enough mi nina." She then grabbed the girl by the neck. "Why are you so afraid to relive this night? The woman asked. "Is it because deep down you know you could have stopped all of this."

The young witch shook her head. "I couldn't. I-I was a baby."

"But you are much more than that now Lennon. So much more and I am going to have so much fun showing you."

Four Days Later:

"Any update on the amulet you guys found?"

"No. Zatanna and Nabu have practically gone through every book they know to learn anything about it but no luck. They think it's just some regular old dingy amulet. More likely used to have sent beta squad on a wild goose chase. Mark stayed quiet for a moment, reading over the notes on the holo computer. "Has Batman figured anything out yet?"

"No. Which isn't like him to be stuck on something like this. Usually he would have answers by now."

"And Len?"

Lennon was found two days later hundreds of miles away. Naked, disoriented and wandering down a path, no recollection of how she got there. Wally sat by her bed in the medical bay at the WatchTower holding her cold pale hand, praying that she would wake up soon. Apparently when they found her they had to heavily sedate her when she started letting out blood curdling screams. Bow sat by her legs, his head resting by the foot of her bed. Artemis sat across from Wally, holding the brunette's other hand, subtly wiping any tears that ran down her face. The rest of the senior members of the Team and Mark had all briefly visited Lennon but decided to stay back in order to not suffocate the girl when she woke up. Dinah and Oliver had stayed with the brunette the moment she had been found but stepped out in order to give the trio some private time. Nightwing peered through the window of her room as he watched his friends sit in silence. The young hero let out a tired sigh. "No, she's still the same since the day they found her."

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