con amor*

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August 1, 2013

Dear Wally,

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was stare at the photos I have of you, the Team and my parents beside my bed. I cried for a solid 30 minutes just thinking about you. I don't know how I'm going to do this, it's barely been a day since I've been apart from all of you and I already miss you so much. My heart will be aching until I see you again. In other news Bow and I surprisingly had a very peaceful and quiet morning. We had breakfast with Nabu, although we did most of the eating since the Lord of Order doesn't actually eat. His company was appreciated though. He tried making small talk with me but it just ended up being awkward for the both of us. Hopefully things can get better between us before I'm set to leave at the end of the week.

After that Bow and I had the day mostly to ourselves. Nabu left to take care of some things and didn't return until late in the evening. Don't ask me where he went because he didn't even tell me.. We explored Fate Tower by ourselves and surprisingly didn't experience getting nearly barbequed like the time we came with the Team, although that only happened because you were trying to impress M'gann. Ha, remember how you got jealous because Conner was comforting me. Loser.

We also spent some time outside on the top of the tower where I sketched in my notebook for a bit and Bow soaked in some sun like a baked potato. We then had some lunch where I meditated after. The rest of the afternoon was spent going through some books in the library. I think I'm going to borrow some until I leave, which will only be in a few days. Other than that nothing else exciting happened, only missing you all and already writing letters for everyone.

I think this is how I'll end the first letter to you. Give everyone my love and please tell my parents not to wallow in my absence.

Love always,

I've attached some of my sketches since I know you love my drawings.

Love and miss you Wall-man


August 1, 2013

Dear Lennon,

The first morning without you was worse than I had expected. Waking up and not feeling you beside me is something I'm going to be struggling to get used to. The warmth of your body, the sweet smell you always have and the sound of your heartbeat always brought a smile to my face in the morning, I can't wait to have that again. Everyone already misses you a ton and I have already caught Artemis, M'gann, Dick and even Conner writing you letters. Although I do keep hearing Conner grunting and crumbling pieces of papers before starting over on another letter.. I also went to check up on your parents this morning and as expected they are both putting up a front in your absence. I also ran into Quentin and he promised to keep an eye out on your parents when I can't. He was also happy to know that you can still receive letters from us, so expect some from him. I hope that as the days go by, things will be easier without you here but at this point I feel like it's just wishful thinking.

Dick and Bruce still aren't talking to one another and everyone on the Team and the League can feel the tension between the two. We all thought things were okay between the two but I don't think Dick has fully forgiven Bruce about your secret file. He even asked me earlier if he could stay with me for a couple days despite the fact that Wayne Manor is big enough to avoid the man. Regardless I of course said yes, although I know if you were still here he probably would have gone with you. He always ran to you first when he had problems with Bruce. Probably because you're his big sister. I promise to do my best to talk to him about his ridge with Bruce but we all know from the two of us you were better at talking things out with Dick.

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