Chapter Thirteen

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When Casey got home from work on Friday, she was ready to stop relaxing and start planning. She wanted to get things done so that Olivia could enjoy the weeks leading up to their daughter's birth.

"Hi, baby." Olivia smiled as she met her girlfriend in the driveway. Olivia had been outside weeding the front flower garden that the previous owners had left.

"It is so hot out here, Liv. What are you doing?" Casey questioned, as she passed Olivia her own water bottle.

"I just came out here about twenty minutes ago. I wanted to work on the garden a bit." Olivia spoke, before she leaned in and gave her girlfriend several soft kisses.

"That can wait for when it isn't so freaking hot. Now, c'mon. Let's get you back into the air-conditioned house." Casey replied.

Once Casey got her girlfriend to sit down and had ordered dinner, she got down to business. 

"Okay, so I know you wanted to wait a bit before we started to do our daughter's room... but I am deciding to not wait. I'd rather have us relax when you are super pregnant and want to lounge all the time, instead of rushing. Okay?"

"Okay." Olivia smiled.

"What?" Casey asked, since she was shocked her very stubborn girlfriend just gave in.

"I did some thinking over the last several days, and I thought you were incredibly adorable when you were rambling about our baby. So I looked at paint colors, furniture, and clothes."

"I'm so glad you gave in, Livvie!" Casey laughed. She quickly leaned over and kissed her girlfriend for several long moments.

"I am glad I did too, because that smile and laugh make everything so worth it."


Elliot was packing up his items when the kids got home that weekend. Kathy didn't want to tell them what was happening, so she left to do grocery shopping before the kids got back.

"Hey, Dad." Maureen smiled as she came into her parents' bedroom. Elliot turned around from his closet as a frown settled onto his features.

"Hey, kid." Elliot replied.

"Doing some spring cleaning in August?" Maureen teased, but when her father didn't respond right away, she started to almost feel ill.

Elliot taped off a box before turning to his daughter.

"Your mother and I are going to get a divorce."

"W-what? Daddy, I thought you and Mom were doing better! Did you finally find Olivia, and she wants you?!" Maureen yelled.


"Where is that whore?! That home wrecker?!" Maureen screamed. The kids heard from downstairs and quickly flooded upstairs to see what was happening between their father and big sister.

"Why are you yelling?" Dickie asked.


"You haven't given me a damn moment to answer, Maureen Stabler! So everyone, shut the fuck up and sit down! Now!" Elliot boomed. All of his kids went silent before they hesitantly walked over to the bed. Eli already knew about the divorce, but he still sat with his siblings.

"Dad-" Maureen started, but Elliot held up his hand and silenced her.

"First, don't talk about Olivia like that. Also, I haven't found her yet and I don't know if I ever will. No one has heard from her, and if they have, they won't tell me. But anyway, your mother and I are getting a divorce. My heart isn't in this relationship anymore, and your mother would be lying to herself if she thought she still loved me. I am going to get an apartment and Eli will be coming back and forth between our houses... I still love you all and hope that you'll come see me when you are in the city." Elliot breathed.

"You ruined our family, Dad. All because you fucked your partner. I never want to see you again." Maureen snapped.


Olivia and Casey went shopping the next morning. They picked out a pale yellow paint for their baby's room, along with some decals. Once the color for the room was picked out, they went to a store to look at the furniture that Olivia had looked at. 

"Casey?" Olivia asked, as she turned around from a crib she had been looking at. Her girlfriend had been near her the whole time, but now Casey had disappeared.

Olivia moved away from the crib and wandered around the store. She ended up in the back of the store and smiled when she saw her girlfriend looking through tiny baby clothes. Casey was completely focused on the clothes that she didn't even realize when Olivia had moved to stand beside her.

"Find a few things you like?" Olivia asked softly, and Casey jumped a bit before relaxing when she saw Olivia.

"Hey, baby... uh, yeah. I think so." Casey breathed.

"Are you okay? You look like you could start crying." Olivia frowned as her hand found the small of Casey's back.

"Do you remember when I told you I had always wanted a daughter?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, it's really becoming real that it's actually happening. I know that you've had a bump for a while, and that we saw our daughter on the scan a few days ago... but it became super real when we got here. We are actually buying a crib, changing table, and a rocking chair. In a few months, we are going to be holding our daughter and taking care of her." Casey sniffled as tears burned her eyes.

Never once did she think that she and Olivia would be together and starting a family. Now that it's happening, she almost thinks it will end suddenly.

"Baby, I'm so glad that you are so invested and excited as I am."

"You aren't going to leave me, right?" Casey asked, and Olivia was quick to shake her head.

"I'd be dumb if I left you. No one has loved me as much as you love me. Not even the bastard that shall not be named."


Over the next week, every single minute was used to prepare the baby's room. Olivia painted when Casey was at work, and when she got home, they put together all the furniture. Every second felt amazing as they worked together to create a room for their baby.

"There are still a few missing pieces, but I think that we should be done well before she comes." Casey smiled as she stood beside her girlfriend as they examined their work.

"Yeah, now all we need is you, Evie Peyton." Olivia smiled as she rested her hand against her stomach.

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