Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"I just want what I am entitled to! Olivia, you promised me we'd raise Evie together, but you broke that promise back in Sedona!" Casey exclaimed. Olivia sighed softly and shook her head.

"That was before you threatened Elliot and started acting way too possessive of me. I am not your possession, and Evie isn't either," Olivia groaned.

"So what-"

"Whatever happened in Sedona is in the past, Casey! This is my family now, and you don't have a right to Olivia, Evie, or that baby. So right now, I think it would be wise if you just left. Go back to Arizona or just shack up with someone and leave us alone. Have a kid of your own, since my two babies aren't up for grabs," Elliot huffed, as arm wrapping around Olivia's waist and pulling her close.

Casey looked between them before crying. Olivia awkwardly avoided looking at Casey, since she knew Casey wanted attention. She wanted her to feel bad, and just hand over Evie for as many unsupervised days as she could get. In this moment, Olivia knew she had to cut ties with Casey and warn her if she comes back, the cops would be called and lawyers would be involved.

"P-please, I'm begging you," Casey whimpered. 

"You can beg all you want, Casey. Yet things will not change. I'm done with you, Casey Novak. So please, leave right now. Don't come back, and if you do, I will call the cops and get my lawyer involved. Do you understand?" Olivia asked, as she stepped forward and grabbed Casey's arm and squeezed it tightly.

"Baby-" Casey spoke, but Elliot interrupted her with a loud and bitter laugh.

"She's my girlfriend, Casey! Now, get the fuck off my property! Now!" Elliot yelled.

Casey tried to make a quick run to the trampoline to grab Evie, but Elliot had his cuffs out in record time and was handcuffing her.

"Casey Novak, you are under arrest for the attempted kidnapping of Evie Stabler," Elliot sighed.


Olivia sat in the precinct beside Fin's desk as they watched the outside camera footage from their backyard. You could clearly see Casey trying to grab Evie, and Elliot stopping her and arresting her. Yet it may not seem as clean as it looked, especially since it all happened in their backyard with each other as witnesses.

"She may get away with this, Liv. At least Elliot was there to stop her," Fin spoke, as he looked away from the footage and to where Evie sat on his lap.

"I wouldn't have been able to tackle her or even run after her... Fin, all I want is for her to leave us alone. I'm tired of being surrounded by drama and anger, just because she thinks she has a right to me and my child. If she actually loved us, she wouldn't have attacked and threatened Elliot back in Arizona. I was willing to stay with her, but she didn't give me another choice. I did not want to raise my baby with someone who was bitter and angry that my child's father had come back around," Olivia sighed. She reached out and adjusted Evie's glasses, before standing when Trevor Langan walked in.

"Hey," Olivia breathed.

"Hey, Olivia. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"You must be Casey's attorney, huh?" Olivia frowned.


"C'mon, Trevor. I know you may have been her friend for longer, but how can you represent someone who tried to kidnap my child?" Olivia sighed.

"Casey has been in a terrible state lately, so I don't think she really knew what she was doing. Instead of pressing charges, maybe we should settle this in family court. Don't you want your kid to have time with her mother?" Trevor asked.

"She isn't her mother, Trevor. We may have been dating, but her name isn't on the birth certificate. Elliot and I are her biological parents and the ones that hold custody of her. Casey was just my girlfriend, but she isn't anymore," Olivia grumbled. She turned back and picked up Evie before walking out of the squadroom. Fin followed closely behind as Trevor scrubbed a hand down his face and walked towards the interrogation room.

Casey sat inside with Cragen and Amanda. This was such a strange situation, since this squad had worked with Casey before. Amanda was the only one that hadn't actually worked with her.

"Stabler," Trevor sighed.

"Langan, she hasn't said a thing. They are just sitting in there with her, I promise," Elliot replied.

"Your girlfriend just stormed out. She's pissed at me."

"Yeah, well, I'm kinda pissed at you, too," Elliot huffed.

Trevor nodded slowly before letting out a weak laugh.

"I need time with my client, and I'd like everyone to clear out of the gallery. Got it?"

"Sure, asshole."


Trevor sat in the interrogation room with Casey, who didn't even want to talk to him either. All she wanted was Evie, and she didn't want to give up on what she wanted.

"Casey, we gotta discuss what happened today. Did you really try to grab their baby?" Trevor breathed.

Casey kept her mouth shut and her eyes focused on her hands.


"Just shut up, Trevor," she huffed.

"I'm doing you a favor, Casey. So tell me what the hell happened so I can help you!" Trevor exclaimed. Casey rolled her eyes as she stood and moved to the far wall.

"They are keeping her from me, Trevor. Isn't there something we can do since she broke a promise?"

"You went to law school just like me. Unless there was a contract that Olivia broke, then it doesn't matter. Now either we can plead not guilty because of mental illness, or you can plead guilty and hopefully get a lower sentence since you are admitting to your guilt," Trevor sighed.

"She broke a contract!" Casey blurted out.

Trevor looked at Casey for a moment, before hesitantly shaking his head.

"Did you two sit down and fill out adoption papers, or did Olivia write up a relationship contract stating that if or when you two break up, you'd still have custody of Evie?" 

"No, but-"

"There is nothing we can do, Casey. So let's decide if you are crazy or just guilty."

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