Chapter Thirty-Four

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Olivia didn't know what to say, so she just stared and swallowed hard. Today had been such a good day, so she never even thought that her past would come back to haunt her.

"Liv?" the voice spoke again. Olivia frowned softly before nodding weakly.

"Y-yeah... Sorry. What are you doing here?" Olivia asked awkwardly, her hand gripping on tightly to the door.

"I moved back, since Arizona isn't the same as it was when we were planning our life together..." Casey trailed off as she tugged on the end of her scarf. 

"It's Christmas, Case. It's not the time for you to be here. So please-" 

"Babe! Who's here?" Elliot called from the kitchen.

"What are you going to tell him?" Casey questioned, her lips settling into a frown.

"I don't know, Casey. I guess that my ex-lover is at our door on Christmas? For some reason, she thought coming here was the right decision?"

"Liv, I miss you. You may not-"

"I was in love with you, Casey Novak. I was so ready to marry you and have you raise Evie with me. Instead, you turned in to a complete monster that was obsessed with making Elliot pay for knocking me up and showing up the day I go into labor," Olivia huffed, as she tried her hardest to not slam the door in Casey's face.

"He ruined-" 

"You ruined our relationship. The moment you freaked out when I proposed and just destroyed any lines of communication we had to discuss this all."

Olivia heard as Elliot walked from the kitchen and to the front door. He stopped short when he spotted Olivia's ex-girlfriend standing there.

"Casey Novak, as I live and breath," Elliot grumbled, as he wrapped his arm around Olivia's waist and rested his hand against her stomach.

"Elliot, can I please come in and talk to Olivia? See Evie?"

"Evie is not your child. And if she was, you would have been here when she almost died. So go away," Elliot growled before slamming the door in Casey's face.

He drew Olivia close and forced her to hug him.


"Let's discuss this later. Can we just go back and enjoy dinner with our family? And continue to talk about our baby?" Elliot asked. Olivia sighed before finally wrapping her arms around his body.

"Tomorrow we need to discuss what is happening, El. Things are going to change big time if she's back for good."

"Nothing will change, since she has no right to Evie or you."


Even if they had planned on talking about Casey the next morning, they didn't get to. Elliot was called into work on a rape that happened the night prior. Olivia spent her morning with Evie and Eli, before letting Lizzie take them both to the store to pick up party supplies for the New Year's Eve party their father insisted on having.

Olivia was just walking back up the driveway after taking a few bags of garbage out, when her name was spoken again. She sighed softly and turned around as she tugged on her beanie.

"Casey, can't you just stay away?" Olivia asked with a frown.

"I tried, trust me. But how do you expect me to just ignore the fact our kid almost died?" Casey sighed.

"She isn't our kid, Case. She is my daughter with Elliot. They share a last name and eye color," Olivia replied as she turned to walk back up the path. She heard as the snow crunched under Casey's boots and stopped in the garage to look at her.

"She was supposed to be our child, Liv. I was the one who talked to her throughout your entire pregnancy... I attended the birthing classes and helped to pick out her name. We put together her nursery together, and I was the one that lulled her to sleep at night when she was kicking up a storm and keeping you awake... that baby is my kid, even if you won't admit it," Casey spoke passionately.

Olivia bit her lip before motioning for Casey to follow her. They went into the house and Olivia made tea before passing a mug to Casey.

"What happened to her? And is she okay now?" Casey asked as she wrapped her hands around the steaming mug.

"Evie choked on a die, and she went without oxygen for a while. She has brain damage, and can't see well. She has these tiny pink glasses that she has to wear all the time."

"Is anything else wrong with her?"

"She has seizures... her last one was two weeks ago, and I'm so glad she's been free of them for the holidays."

"Liv, let me help you out. I love her and you so much. It would-"

"It wouldn't work out because I'm dating Elliot and you threatened his life. Evie doesn't need to be confused more than she already gets. So please, finish your tea and leave."

Casey sipped her tea and stood once Olivia had gone into the laundry room. She wandered through the kitchen and then into the living room. She stopped when she saw a sonogram picture on the mantel that had a center in Manhattan as its location.

"So you made your tea last longer so you could snoop?" Olivia grumbled.

"How far along are you?" Casey demanded.

"Twelve weeks."

"I'm assuming this one was a surprise, just like Evie. At least you didn't break up a marriage this time," Casey hissed.

Olivia walked over to her former girlfriend and friend before clasping her arm in her hand.

"You come in here and act like you are a saint, and I cannot believe that you are saying things to me like you haven't made a mistake in your entire life. But here I am, enjoying my life and finally having another baby with Elliot, and you ruined everything. You show up and act like we are still together, and I'm living a separate life." Olivia huffed.

"This was supposed to be my life, Liv. Our life. That baby should have been our second via a donor, but you went back to the man that used you and left you behind. It will happen again, because he is a bastard then and still is now."

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