Chapter Seventeen

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Olivia didn't have another option, since Elliot was forcing himself into this situation. He walked back inside, and he helped Olivia to sit down on the sofa.

"Did you just go into labor, or have you been in labor for a while?" Elliot asked as he sank down beside Olivia. He kept his hands to himself because he knew Olivia would smack him if he touched her.

"It just started, I think."

"You think? Liv-"

"I have never had a baby before, El! I don't know exactly what is happening! So stop making me feel dumb for not knowing if I have been in labor for longer than I realized." Olivia snapped, before she stood slowly and moved to the stairs.

"Olivia!" Elliot called, before sighing and following her. She wasn't moving fast, so Elliot took his time to not crowd her on the climb.

"I didn't tell you to follow me." Olivia huffed as she walked into her bedroom and moved to the closet.

"Yeah, well, you don't tell me shit anymore. Baby-"

"You don't have the right to call me baby anymore. The week we spent together meant the world to me, but it meant nothing to you. You destroyed me, asshole." Olivia spat before she stopped again and placed a shaky hand over her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Elliot breathed as he moved towards Olivia. She shook her head before rushing to the bathroom. A few moments later, Elliot heard her getting sick, and he frowned deeply.


Elliot and Olivia spent the next few hours in the bathroom. Olivia had chills, but was also sweating like crazy. Olivia kept getting sick, and Elliot was getting worried about her.

"I think we need to take you to the hospital." Elliot spoke, as he sank back down beside Olivia and passed her the cold washcloth.

"I'm not ready." Olivia whispered as she leaned into Elliot.

"The baby is going to come out eventually, and we need to make sure you are at the hospital when it happens... I also have never seen someone look this ill while in labor." Elliot frowned. Olivia swallowed hard before nodding weakly.

"My bag is in the closet, and there is a bucket in the kitchen under the sink... can you grab both? I don't want to throw up all over my car." Olivia whispered.

"Yeah, I can do that. I'll be back up here soon and we can get going."

Olivia continued to lean against the cold tile wall as tears slipped down her cheeks. She was scared, especially since she didn't realize she'd be this sick. She had assumed that it wouldn't be easy because of her age and the fact she had been sick during the beginning of her pregnancy, but she didn't expect to be shaking and getting sick.

"Alright, everything is in your car. I'm ready if you are." Elliot smiled softly. He was so freaking nervous himself, but also excited. The baby he didn't expect to ever meet was about to be born, and he was sure he'd be in the room when it happened.

"What if I die?" Olivia whimpered.

"You won't die, Liv. Labor is different for everyone, and this time around you are just sick. Next time won't be as bad." Elliot reassured her.

"There won't be a next time... I don't think I was even meant to be pregnant this time. I don't deserve her..." Olivia whispered. Elliot didn't respond when he heard about the fact he's getting another daughter, because he didn't want to scare Olivia when he celebrated. Instead, he just squatted down in front of her and cupped her tear-stained cheeks in his hands.

"Everything is going to be okay, sweetie. We need to go to the hospital and make sure a doctor can deliver the baby."

"I need help moving. I hurt."

"I'll carry your ass if I need to." Elliot grinned as Olivia gave him a weak smile.


At the hospital, Olivia was checked in. Elliot waited outside of the hospital room, his body shaking. He had heard Olivia get sick a few times and the doctor ensure her it was fine.

"Are you the one that brought Olivia in?" The doctor asked, as she walked from the room.

"Yeah, uh, Elliot Stabler. I'm the baby's father." Elliot blurted out.

"Oh, I thought Casey was the other parent..."

"I guess she is... they are seeing each other and Olivia and I just reconnected today... but is she okay?"

"She's good. Her contractions are about ten minutes apart, and she is progressing at a steady rate. You can see her now if you'd like."

"O-okay. Can one of your nurses call her girlfriend? I don't have her number anymore." Elliot explained.

"Sure, she's on file. If Olivia needs me at all, hit the call button and I'll be there as fast as I can." Dr. Stocklin smiled before she turned and walked away.

Elliot walked into Olivia's room and found her laying on her side. 

"Dr. Stocklin says I'm halfway there."

"That is great news, Liv. She'll be here before you know it." Elliot replied with a shaky smile.

"Are you staying?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded quickly.

"I'll stay until you kick me out, honey. So when Casey-"

"She won't show up. She doesn't even want to marry me." Olivia whispered.

"You proposed?"

"Elliot, I'm in love with her. Casey isn't in love with me anymore... she keeps claiming that Evie Peyton is her daughter, but it's like I'm nothing to her." 

"Evie Peyton?" Elliot asked softly, and Olivia frowned softly.

"I wasn't even going to tell you, but you are here now and I'm going to be giving birth soon."

"It is a beautiful name, Liv. It's going to fit her perfectly."

Elliot stayed with Olivia for over an hour before Casey showed up. 

"Liv!" Casey exclaimed, as she opened the door to Olivia's room.

"Casey?" Olivia asked, from where she stood near the bed. Elliot was behind her, his hands on her hips.

"Elliot, what are you doing here?" Casey panted as her heart pounded quickly in her chest.

"I came to see you, and I found Olivia instead. I'm just helping her out, since I was the one there for her when she went into labor."

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