~Ꭷ~ Lord of the Rings ~Ꭷ~
Frodo: Strangely enough, your favourite memory with Frodo was a night in Mordor, as the both of you watched the horizon together, sharing the hope that this would all be over soon and you could be safe and sound.
Sam: Your favourite memory with Sam was when he came over to your house to help you with your gardening, and the both of you spent all day planting flowers and vegetables.
Merry: You remember best an evening you had spent with Merry, during a festival when you had danced together between the lanterns and flowers.
Pippin: You like to remember with Pippin the time when you went on your first date, braiding flower crowns and running through the fields.
Aragorn: Your favourite memory with Aragorn is from when the two of you went tracking in the woods, hunting a band of orcs. The two of you quickly overtook the orca and killed them, but the hunt itself had been fun.
Legolas: Your favourite memory with Legolas was when he taught you archery. He quickly turned you into an expert, and the both of you had a great time practicing together.
Gimli: Your best memory with Gimli was when Legolas, him and you were counting kills on the battlefield. Gimli didn't want to lose to Legolas, so the both of you combined your kill count to beat the elf.
Boromir: Your favourite memory with Boromir is when the two of you were doing some research in the library, poring through old books together. You felt at peace surrounded by all that knowledge.
Faramir: The first time you met. The both of you had been buying things in the market when he bumped into you, apologized, and offered you a drink. The afternoon that followed was the best you'd ever had in your life.
Éomer: Your best memory with Éomer is when he took you horse riding through the plains of Rohan with him.
Éowyn: You love sparring with Éowyn. You both enjoy the most when you can practice your sword-fighting, and your fondest memories are of those practice sessions.
Arwen: You love to think of the one time you and Arwen had sat together in the gardens of Rivendell, and she let you braid her hair as you both enjoyed the beauty all around you.
~Ꭷ~ The Hobbit ~Ꭷ~
Thorin: Your favourite memory with Thorin is the one where he gifted you with a ring he had crafted himself. It was beautiful, and you could see all the effort he had poured into it.
Fili: Your best memory of Fili is when he brought you to an inn so you could enjoy a dinner together. The food was delicious, and you smile every time you think of that night.
Kili: You like to remember the time when you and Kili went for a walk during the winter, enjoying the beautiful scenery together.
Bilbo: When your pet had died, you had gone to Bilbo's house, crying, and he let you in right away and cooked you supper and held your hand while you cried by the fireside. It was only after you realized how kind he'd been to you.
Bard: You like to remember the most that time when you had gone to visit Bard and played with his children as he watched you fondly. Bain, Tilda and Sigrid were very attached to you, and loved when you visited.
Tauriel: You remember the best moment with Tauriel to have been when the two of you had gone to hunt spiders in Mirkwood together. You'd enjoyed yourself immensely.
Thranduil: Your favourite memory with Thranduil was just a quiet few moments the both of you had spent together by the window, watching the rain in silence. You'd never felt as peaceful as that before.

The Hobbit and LOTR oneshots, preferences and imagines
FanfictionSome cute ideas of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit stuff to think or daydream about. I can also write preferences and oneshots. Not all of them are romantic, but most are. Please feel free to request if you would like a oneshot! Enjoy! :)