~Ꭷ~ Lord of the Rings ~Ꭷ~
Frodo: Frodo was worrying about the Ring and how it would all end, and try though you might, you couldn't calm him, so you kissed him gently to make him feel better.
Sam: He was gardening and teaching you a bit about flowers when your hands touched and he looked up shyly, asking if he could kiss you. You accepted, and the two of you had a great time kissing.
Merry: Merry stole your hat on a warm summer's day and you demanded he give it back, but he requested you kiss him if you wanted your hat back. Blushing, you kissed him, and got your hat back.
Pippin: The two of you had been running through the fields and were both laughing, out of breath, when you looked at each other and suddenly just kissed.
Aragorn: Aragorn has come back to Helm's Deep after falling off the cliff, and you were so relieved to see him alive you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him.
Legolas: You were walking through the halls of Mirkwood palace when you bumped into Legolas, your best friend. He stopped you and admitted that he had a crush on you, startling you, but you told him you loved him as well and he kissed you.
Gimli: The two of you were having fun in a celebration, quite drunk, when you suddenly kissed him.
Boromir: You and Boromir were sparring, and you knew he would soon win the fight, so you walked up to him and kissed him. He let his guard down as you kissed him, and you managed to steal his sword from him.
Faramir: Faramir was feeling depressed after his father had ignored him, so you proved to him that he was loved by kissing him. He soon forgot about his father's rudeness.
Éomer: You and Éomer found yourselves right after a battle, slightly injured but otherwise safe, and when the two of you saw each other you rushed into each other's arms and kissed.
Éowyn: You two were resting after a particularly intense swordfighting lesson and talking a bit, and you looked into her eyes as she looked into yours, and the two of you were suddenly kissing passionately.
Arwen: You and Arwen were sitting in the garden and quietly talking, when you told her how beautiful she was. She replied that you were beautiful as well and kissed you gently.
~Ꭷ~ The Hobbit ~Ꭷ~
Thorin: You had been looking at the stars at night when he came to join you the two of you talked to a bit, but it quickly turned to kissing and you kissed throughout the night.
Fili: You were laughing with Kili about a joke had just told and Fili was feeling jealous, so he walked up to you and asked if he could borrow you for a second. Kili accepted, grinning, and when he left Fili kissed you, and you kissed him back.
Kili: The two of you were just telling jokes to each other and messing around, when he suddenly stopped talking as you laughed. You asked him what was wrong, and he told you that you were beautiful and kissed you. At first you were too surprised to do anything, but then you kissed him back.
Bilbo: Bilbo had finally come back from his adventure and you were so relieved to see him that you immediately kissed him when he returned, glad he wasn't dead.
Bard: You has been having a nightmare when he woke you up, and he held you and comforted you while you couldn't stop shaking, so he finally kissed you so you felt better.
Tauriel: You were out hunting spiders when a group of the creatures suddenly surrounded you, blocking your escape. Tauriel then swooped in and killed them all, saving you. When she came to ask if you were all right, you jumped into her arms and kissed her.

The Hobbit and LOTR oneshots, preferences and imagines
Hayran KurguSome cute ideas of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit stuff to think or daydream about. I can also write preferences and oneshots. Not all of them are romantic, but most are. Please feel free to request if you would like a oneshot! Enjoy! :)