You stalked silently through the castle walls, the night as quiet as ever. That prince didn't even have a chance. At least he'd have the honour of being ended by the best assassin in Mirkwood- You, in occurrence.
His room appeared in view as you rounded a corner. You expertly rubbed oil through the cracks around the door before twisting the handle and opening it without a noise.
He didn't even lock it! You scoffed in your head.
You entered, drawing your dagger from your belt. Another victim in the dark of night. Your patron would be happy- and so would you, considering the amount of money the customer had offered for the prince of Mirkwood's death.
You stood over his bed. He seemed asleep- but he twitched. Still as silent as ever, you placed your knife over his throat. He opened his eyes.
"Good night, princeling," you smirked.
It happened in a flash. The prince grabbed your wrist, shoved it out of the way, and drew another knife from under his covers.
Of course he was expecting you. You rolled your eyes.
"Well, if you insist on this being hard," you shrugged. "You don't know who you're dealing with."
"Oh, I think I do." He got off his bed in one fluid movement and stood up. "Go ahead, then. Try and get me."
You lunged at him, but he danced just out of your knife's reach. As you took out a second knife, he used the opportunity to dash out the door.
"Catch me if you can!" He laughed quietly as you ran after him, annoyed.
Both your feet made no sound on the marble floors- you in flexible leather boots and him barefoot.
You followed him through twisting hallways, him always out of your reach. Where was he leading you?
At last he stopped in front of a door and entered. You stopped, suspicious. Was it the guardhouse? An ambush? Your curiosity took over and you followed into the room the prince had entered.
It was a training arena.
Wow... Really? You thought sceptically. I don't have time for this. But the prince intrigued you. He wasn't scared or mad at you, he acted like this whole thing was just a joke.
He stood in the sword-fighting part of the arena with a sword already drawn, smirking and waiting for you. Rolling your eyes at him, you sheathed your knife and pulled your sword from your back, a thin but strong, slightly curved and very sharp elvish blade.
You lunged at him suddenly and without warning, forcing him to step back and block your sword with his own.
"Not bad." He raised an eyebrow, clashing his blade on yours and sidestepping your second lunge.
"Not bad? Watch this!" You smirked and aimed your sword at his head, barely touching his ear. "Huh. Pretty quick one there, prince."
"Legolas." He corrected you. You faltered.
"What?" You frowned, and just had time to somersault backwards to avoid his sword. "That's cheating!" You protested.
He laughed. "Just as much cheating as trying to murder me in my bed is."
"Yeah, well, cheating is my job." You grumble, your blades meeting again.
The next few hours went by quickly, the two of you training together, of equal force and strength. Sometimes Legolas overpowered you, sometimes you overpowered him. But, strangely enough, nobody got hurt, and you even managed to get a conversation going while you fought.
He even proposed to try some archery. You agreed, wanting to show him your skill, but it turned out you were both amazing at that too. You didn't shoot him... Why weren't you shooting him? Neither could best the other. Eventually, after fourteen bullseye shots from both of you, he set down his bow.
"You are better than I expected." He admitted, laughing.
"I could say the same." You shrugged, setting down yours too.
"Well, I should get going, then... Wouldn't want the guards to see me missing from my room." Legolas waved at you, exiting the training room. "How about tomorrow, same time, same place?"
"Sure!" You called after him, grinning.
You exited the castle by a window, telling yourself: Well, that was unexpected. Who'd have thought this could be fun?
You laughed to yourself as you start your trek home. Too bad for the money offered; this is worth so much more.

The Hobbit and LOTR oneshots, preferences and imagines
Fiksi PenggemarSome cute ideas of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit stuff to think or daydream about. I can also write preferences and oneshots. Not all of them are romantic, but most are. Please feel free to request if you would like a oneshot! Enjoy! :)