Chapter 53: A Darkness Within

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Mirajane POV

I watch in utter fear and terror as the Alvarez army continues their march towards us, displaying all of our friends among Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth crucified and being shown off as trophies of the previous battle. Although abruptly everything ceases.

"W-what the hell is that?" Elfman says turning back to where we had just come from.

"I-I've never felt anything like this before... T-the power stretches everywhere. I-I can't sense an end to it." Levy says falling to her knees.

"It feels so vile. It's run completely out of control. Big Sis... What are we gonna do?" Before I can respond an enormous eruption of F/c lightning strikes the army in the valley beneath us.

"Gehee." I turn as I hear Gajeel's chuckle. "You guys aren't able to sense the origin of this power either, are you?" I close my eyes as I try and focus hard on finding the source, to no avail. It was as if it surrounded everybody and everything. "Just watch and learn. I'd know that show off's scent anywhere. He hasn't released it yet, which is why all of you can't pinpoint the origin of it..." Then there's an explosion of blinding light. And I feel the ominous overbearing power shrink down to a central point right in front of us. Now, standing before the entire army below alone, was M/n... A brilliant white glow hugged his body as the snow began to melt around him.

"How dare you mongrels disrespect a sacred act. Showing off fallen soldiers of a war like trophies... There will be no mercy for those who are despicable enough to commit such an act." In an instant a beam of white light rips through the middle of the army. "If I see fit millions will be sent to their graves from this war."

"That's unreal, he just took out the middle third of that force with a single attack! What a MAN!" Then, I see the large stakes begin surrounding us, tied to them the bodies of our friends. That's when I began realizing what was happening... M/n was moving fast enough to grab and move them to our location, covering what must've been over a mile back and forth instantaneously. Then he appears before us. A brilliant white glow hugged his form as his now pure white hair stood on end.

"Ensuring their safety is priority. There are 3 of the 12 at this location currently along with that armada. 2 of the 12 are unlike the rest however, their powers rival even mine." I feel the air leave my lungs as he says that. T-they had 2 of them as powerful as M/n?. "I will do what I can to keep her from the battlefield, but her magic power is annoying to say the least."

"H-how...?" I turn and see Levy on her knees, tears streaming down her face as her body trembled in fear. "2 of the 12 can beat M/n, along with Zeref and Acnologia... H-how can we hope to win now..." I'm immediately forced to the ground by a crushing force. I hear footsteps walking by me. Straining myself to look up, I see M/n walking past.

"I don't remember saying they were capable of defeating me." He kneels in front of Levy, and ruffles her hair, then, his hair and aura flashes gold, his hair begins shining a bright gold as golden scales appear across his body. "I will handle all of them alone if the old geezer tells me to do so." The golden aura and color quickly disappear, and I now see beads of sweat along M/n's body. T-that spell... I-I felt zero magic energy coming from M/n when it activated... J-just what was that? He bends his legs and jumps back down towards the army below.

"That spell... M/n's magic energy disappeared when it activated." I say getting back up.

"What a Man... Able to inspire others like a true general!!"

Irene POV

N-no... H-his majesty never said anything about The Dragon God having obtained that spell's power...

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