Chapter 8: Break The Ring

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Your POV

I walk into a large room filled with cages, and see Natsu and some bird man fighting. Although Natsu wasn't doing to hot.

You: "Natsu!" He looks back to me. "Go find Happy! I'll finish this!"

Natsu: "I'm not usually one to stop a fight, but Happy is more important. Good luck M/n!" He runs off and I jump up to be even with this bird guy.

You: "Time to die."

Birdy: "You are far more powerful than him, but still, you are no match for me!"

Gray POV

I run into a large room, just in time to see a jetpack drive M/n onto one of the spikes in the room. He grunts and throws the jetpack off of him.

You: "You want to play rough... Fine." What he does next I don't believe... He brings his hands together in front of him and a giant F/C magic circle forms. "Heavenly Dragon ROAR!!" A huge blast of F/C light flies at some bird headed man. When the dust clears, there's nothing left. M/N jumps down and continues walking, a hole still going through his side... H-he was a Dragon Slayer...

Jellal POV

So... Fairy Tail has acquired another Dragon Slayer... Interesting... And something tells me, this is no normal Dragon Slayer... His power, it felt, different...

Your POV

I watch Erza finally beat some katana woman, I couldn't help since I can't hurt girls, then continue making my way through the tower, that is until I feel something powerful above me. I bring my hands together and form a magic circle on my back.

You: "Heavenly Dragon, grant me the Wings of the Heavens." 2 large wings appear on my back, I jump out a window and fly to the top, only to have a large blast come from the sky and blast me, then everything goes black. I wake up and look around, I was lying on some kind of giant lacrima. I look up just in time to see a large man get hit by some kind of dark blast, I try to stand, but fall over to the left. I look down at myself... Only to see the left side of my body was covered in blood, my left sleeve was gone and my pantleg was singed above the knee. I reach up to my face, and feel it's also covered in blood. Shit... I hear Erza crying, then a large dark energy forming.

Jellal: "Fine. If the first one wasn't enough, Then Have Two!" He throws the ball of black energy at them again. I force myself to stand and run over to them, although, something was off, I got there way too fast. I look down, and see only 2 rings... The ring of speed... it was gone. I look back up and extend my hands, when the blast hits I feel it sucking the life out of me. It begins pushing me back towards Erza and Natsu.

You: "No... I refuse to let anyone else get hurt by you... I don't care if I have no magic left. I don't care if my body's giving out. I don't care if I die... But..." I Won't Let Him Hurt Anyone Else!

Erza POV

As Jellal throws another one at us, I know this is it, the end... I wait for it, but strangely, it doesn't hit... I look up, and see the shadow of someone standing in front of me. They were holding their hands out, trying to stop the blast, but they were being pushed back... That is until the blast explodes... W-who died this time...? When the dust clears, I see a very pale and injured...

Erza: "M/N?!" He was standing there slouched over. He looks back to me, and I saw his skin had been burnt through in multiple places, showing his metallic bones beneath. A small section around his eye, along his right jawline, and on the bridge of his nose, there were shining pieces of silver.

You: "What happened Erza? Where are we?"

Erza: "T-the council, t-they fired an Etherion Blast at us." He looks shocked at this.

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