Chapter 54: Ankhseram

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Your POV

              I can't allow this to drag on any longer. Night was falling, and I could feel the energies beginning to gather around Magnolia. We both come landing down about 20 yards away from each other. I was down on a knee, gasping for air, while he stood tall, glaring down upon me.

              "The woman left some time ago... Seems we've been transported out of Fiore altogether as well."

              "I have to go save my family. I won't let you this time."

Acnologia POV

              I watch as a brilliant white fist comes towards me, however, it wasn't normal magical energy, it was life energy... And with this amount... He had sacrificed years of his life simply for a single attack he knows won't kill me? It makes no sens- That bastard's just trying to get away!?

Your POV

              It sends him flying over the horizon of the mountain range in the distance. I fall to a knee and breathe deeply; we had gone punch for punch for hours. And he only had 1 arm... I quickly force myself back up and summon my wings, I take off towards the epicenter of the gathering magical powers. My mind was racing about the future battle. August and Irene... The Black Wizard Zeref, The Black Dragon King Acnologia... Those are 4 incredible enemies, not to mention Larcade as well as the Emperor of Ishgar who snaked us.

Cana POV

As we all continue to struggle with the sheer numbers of the army before us, I see a tsunami form from the seaside of Magnolia. Instead of washing us all away though, large tendrils formed from it and began snatching and snapping at the soldiers. I realized it was M/n's Water Dragon Slayer friend, Neptune. Not too long after as well. I feel an insane power on the cliff behind us. I couldn't make out who it was but they wore bright Gold and white armor, along with a large white cape tapered to the shoulder apelets of the armor, but it felt nothing like M/n's. Although M/n's didn't always feel like a good and just and godlike power, it was always pure; The magic he wielded was always wielded with a pure heart. This... This power felt, like it was fighting itself.

Laki POV

I feel the strange contradiction of powers festering within the man on the cliffside, there was no doubt whoever's side he was on just became the favorite to win this war, from a single man. It felt like an endless abyss of power, as if it were truly unlimited.

Your POV

I analyze the scenario below; trying to figure out who is in the most danger. I decide for the time being to help thin the numbers of the army below. Until the likes of August, Belserion, or Larcade join I feel as if it's best for me to refrain from the front lines. I jump off the cliff, shooting into the sky and falling hard on a large group of soldiers. I stand and walk out of the large crater as the smoke and dust clear away.

Levy POV

              "N-no way..." I couldn't believe who walked out... "M/n..." I say with tears in my eyes. H-he came back for us.

              "The hell is he wearing?" I hear Gajeel spit out. "A little over the top if you ask me." I watch as his hair flashes white and a white glow hugs his frame. He extends his hand towards the mass of soldiers in front of us, and a white sparkly mist begins appearing among their ranks.

              "Die." He balls up the hand to a fist and I watch as the soldiers fall lifelessly to the ground. He begins walking through the large open section towards the guild hall as another mass of soldiers rushes to meet him. As they reach him, he releases an ungodly amount of magic power, launching thousands around him back and into the air. And then again, he continues his march to the guild hall. "Find Warren." He says as he continues walking towards the oncoming rush of another armada. "I need him to communicate to me who is in the most danger. Now that we're all here, I can protect all of us at once!" A large magic circle forms above the soldiers. "Dragon God Secret Art! Heavenly Rain!" It begins raining shooting stars from the circle above them, sending thousands of soldiers to their graves. It lasts for less than a minute but not a single soldier caught within the blast was left standing. He continues his march, having created an enormous gash deep into the surrounding forces. As the forces close in once again, they suddenly halt and begin screaming and crying in agony as a dark aura engulfs them.

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