Chapter 2: The War Begins

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Elfman POV

I turn onto the main road leading to the guild hall, but see it had large metal tubes sticking out of it everywhere. I run up and see Macao and Wakaba standing outside.

Elfman: "What Happened?!"

Wakaba: "I don't know, we're waiting for Master Makarov to get here." As if on cue, he turns the corner.

Makarov: "What?! When did this happen?"

Cana: "They must have done it last night, after everybody went home."

Elfman: "Oh No! M/N and Mira are still in there!"

Makarov: "What?!"

Elfman: "She stayed behind last night to look after him! They're both still in there somewhere!"

Cana: "Hurry! We have to find them!"

Erza POV

Lucy: "Oh no..."

Erza: "What is it Lu-" I turn the corner and see it... The guild...

Gray: "Who the hell did this?"

Natsu: "When I Get My Hands On Them!" He takes off towards the guild hall, the rest of us following behind, but when we get there everybody's looking for something.

Erza: "Master? What's going on?!"

Makarov: "Phantom Lord, they attacked our guild hall... But M/N and Mira were still here when it happened, and now we cannot find them anywhere."

Natsu: "What?! Oh no buddy I'm coming!" He runs off and begins digging through piles of wood. A few minutes later a pile begins moving, then a hand shoots out of it. Natsu and myself run over and begin throwing the wood off. Then we see him, M/N, but he looked as if he were covering something, as we remove more and more of the debris, we realize he was standing over Mira...

Elfman: "Mira!" He runs over and picks her up bridal style. But then he stops next to me, looking confused.

Erza: "Elfman? What is it?" He turns back to M/N, who was still standing under a large pile of debris.

Elfman: "There's not a single scratch on her..." I turn back to M/N as he walks out from under the pile, then a large portion of the guild falls down.

Lucy: "H-he was holding up all this weight the entire time." He walks out, completely out of breath, his wound had reopened and the bandages were very bloody.

You: "Is... Is she ok...?" He says, still gasping for air. Elfman nods.

Elfman: "Protecting a woman like that, what a man." Then M/N grunts and collapses onto the ground.

Makarov POV

As they carried him back into the infirmary, my mind was made up. All those rumors and horrible stories about this boy... Not one of them was true... He just put his life on the line for someone he's known for less than a week. I knew M/N could have beaten whoever did this, even in his condition, he still could have, but he didn't, he protecting Mirajane instead...

Erza: "He isn't what you told us he was... I know you see it too master, he's a kind and caring person." I nod and grumble in approval.

Makarov: "He is caring and protective, but I'm not sold that he's kind. But he is by no means a monster like the Magic Council made him seem."

Your POV

I wake up with the sun in my eyes, I groan and sit up. I throw on a pair of pants, it still wasn't easy for me with my wound. I walk out into the guild, but it was broken down and empty, I walk into the basement, empty again. Then I feel a large group of powers out in the city. I walk out towards them... I walk into a small park with a large tree in it... Then see it... And I feel my blood begin boiling...

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