Chapter 57: Armageddon Pt. 2

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Gajeel POV

We all stay dead quiet as the large thuds of Acnologia's assault continue with his howling laughter echoing from within the now deep tunnel in the crystalline cliffside.

"W-we can't listen to him; we have to help him!" Natsu screams as he steps forward. "Whether you guys want to or not I'm going to fight! And you can't stop me!"

"Who ever said we weren't agreeing with you?" I say as I smirk and cross my arms.

"The Dragon God spared me... Many others weren't as lucky. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help!"

"It's settled then guys... Natsu and I will rush in first, followed by you 2." Laxus says looking at me and Erik. We nod in return. "Wendy, hopefully us 4 can keep him contained long enough for you to heal M/n's physical wounds. His magical energy is still off the charts but his body's will give out sooner or later, he can't keep this up." Everybody nods in agreement. "This idiot's made sure even the old geezer stayed safe while I was gone. The least we can do is lend a hand now." We all turn, and Erik and I follow as Laxus and Natsu rush in, Wendy trailing behind us. As we near the cliffside though, a large golden light begins flashing from within, and an enormous Golden blast of magical energy sends Acnologia flying out at the head of the blast.

"Dragon God ROAR!!" We stand below as M/n walks to the edge of the tunnel, the left side of his face doused with blood. His torso littered in purple and black blotches and rivers of crimson. "I TOLD YOU ALL TO BUTT OUT!! THIS ISN'T YOUR FIGHT ANYMORE!" He screams as his fiery suns burn through my soul in anger.

"We can't just let you keep fighting like this man! We can help you that's what a guild's for!" Natsu screams back. M/n stays silent for a moment, until his eye's lock onto something behind us. I turn back to see what he had locked on to, but now see M/n now standing there, his forehead pressed against Acnologia's. M/n begins stomping forward, driving Acnologia away from us.

"ANYBODY WHO ENTERS THIS FIGHT I SEE AS MY ENEMY!! YOU UNDERSTAND NATSU?!" He screams as he continues to force Acnologia back. Then I see his fist begin glowing with a golden energy. "Dragon God Secret Art! Stairway To Heaven!!" He bends down and lets loose a furious uppercut to Acnologia's chin, it propels him at mach speeds into the chasm's ceiling above. M/n follows as Acnologia immediately charges back out. M/n twists and contorts his body to avoid Acnologia's first attack, and they both land heavy kicks to each other next. Both crash to the ground, slow to get back to their feet.

"Hey guys...? His hair is changing faster again..." Wendy nervously points out.

"It's losing its color..." There was another tuff of hair that was gray nearly to the golden tip of it.

'My son is using his life force in order to maintain and control the full power of a Dragon God. He's already taken decades off of his mortal life from this battle...' I whip my head around to ask the others if they heard the voice in their heads too, but from the looks of their faces they all had.

"That's Etherion... No doubt about that echoing voice..." Natsu says as he scans the surroundings.

'Acnologia was created from my carelessness... I passed my sin onto my son who didn't choose this path. And now he is giving his life for it. I beg of you to channel your power into him so he may fight without this burden. I beg of you to save my son's life. You will have to equivalate the power necessary to enter and use the full reservoir of power... It is near an impossible task to ask... But I have no other choice...' The voice fades away at the end, and I see Natsu was already enveloped in flames.

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