Chapter 7: Womanizer M/N?!

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Lucy POV

We arrive at Akane Beach around noon the next day.

You: "Holy shit this place is huge." M/N says admiring the size of the resort.

Erza: "Yes, it is the most popular tourist destination in Fiore."

Gray: "You really didn't know it was this big?"

You: "Shut up ice boy." The two but heads.

Gray: "Don't call me that!" The two go back and forth before Natsu jumps on top of them and they all begin brawling.

Lucy: "Jeez guys can you stay quiet for 10 minutes?" -_- Then Erza walks into them and throws each of them in a different direction.

Erza: "That's enough!" M/N sits up rubbing his head.

You: "The hell Erza?" She glares at him and he runs and hides behind a tree. "Scary..."

Lucy: "She can make a 400 something year old wolf crossed insanely strong wizard coward behind a tree like a child..."

Happy: "That's Erza for ya!"

Erza: "You three will behave yourselves, understood?" They all nod and we walk in to get our rooms, we agree to meet up at the beach in an hour or so. "God... those two were troublesome enough, and now with M/N joining their antics... They could be a real pain in my side."

Lucy: "Yea, but you could always throw Natsu and M/N onto a train. That should quiet them a bit."

Erza: "Natsu sure, but M/N is simply scared of them, his fear will go away if I do it enough."

Lucy: "What do you mean? I saw M/N puking his guts out in the bathroom."

Erza: "You did?" I nod.

Lucy: "Yea, I went to look for him, he sounded just like Natsu."

Erza POV

Hmmm... Could he too be a... No... impossible, he would have told us by now.

Lucy POV

We arrive down on the beach and I see Natsu and Gray already destroying each others sand bases while M/N was sleeping face down on one of the chairs. I saw the red, green, and white vein looking things running up his arm from those rings. But I also saw something else, he had a small round scar on his lower back. I poke it, and hear him... moan? He just moaned in his sleep, I rub my thumb over it this time, and he moans louder, but this time he wakes up. He rolls over and grabs my forearm.

You: "The hell? Lucy what are you doing?"

Lucy: "I um, I... Why do you moan when someone touches that little round scar on your back?" His face goes beat red.

You: "You didn't... W-were you...?" I nod, giggling slightly. He groans and flops back down onto the chair. He stays silent.

Lucy: "Well...?"

You: "It's where my tail used to be." Huh. Wait What?!

Lucy: "You had a tail?!" He nods.

You: "Yup. It got ripped off though, left that scar. I had to heal the wound, but in return I healed the nerve ends or something like that. So it's like an exposed nerve, although since my tail couldn't feel pain, I uh, it only feels pleasure."

Lucy: "Wait, so you're saying if someone rubs it you-"

You: "Whabudda!"

Lucy: "You feel-"

You: "Goodaba!" His face was bright red. "I don't wanna talk about it. I've had that taken advantage of by too many women."

Lucy: "You know, you don't really seem like the lady killer type."

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