Chapter 35: Pandemonium

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Your POV

We burst into the guild and begin tearing it apart, then finally reach the main section.

Natsu: "Where's your master? I've got something to say to him."

Jiemma: "If you have something to say to me, I suggest you say it." I see a large man with a light-colored beard and large beads around his neck walk forward.

Natsu: "So that's how it works in this guild huh? One loss and you're out on the streets, well here's one for ya, you lose to me and you've gotta quit the guild!"

Orga: "Listen kid, you seriously don't wanna go against our master."

Sting: "They're from Fairy Tail."

Frosh: "Yea, that's the guy who helped Yukino up."

Lector: "They're gonna get murdered."

Jiemma: "Dobengal, take care of these 2." I watch as he charges Natsu, and begins trying all sorts of ninja themed attacks, only for Natsu to send him flying with one punch. Then Natsu charges the master out of nowhere, landing a blow which was easily blocked. But I was surprised when Natsu begins landing blow after blow to him. And ends it with an insane uppercut, only for some woman to intervene. She begins speaking about how this will look, and to stop the fighting, then, Happy appears tied up in her arms. Natsu calms down and she let's Happy go, then he turns to leaves, until the woman begins speaking about how they will be showing no mercy to us in the ring come tomorrow.

Natsu: "Fine, but you won't win, cause we're on a whole other level than you guys... Cause a real guild, treats each other like family, that's why I came here tonight." And with that, he walks out. But I stay put and walk right up to the master and who we found out was his daughter.

You: "I don't care about any of this family shit... And I don't go by Fairy Tail's normal rules... You... You bastards." I say looking around at all of them, then back to the master. "I'll kill you, and you know I can, cause I'm sure by now, you've felt the power I hold... You made her strip down in public... and erase her own guild mark, then kicked her to the curb over one loss to an amazing opponent... You damned fool... You've just entered your worst nightmare. Pissing me off." I turn around and walk down creating a blast of energy in my hand, then blast it backwards; it takes out at least 20 members. Then I turn and leave.

I walk into Gray calling Natsu an idiot and Lucy agreeing with him. And then all attention turns to me.

Natsu: "Even M/n agrees with me." He looks to me, as does everybody else, waiting for an answer. I sigh and walk over to look out the window.

You: "As of today. I am now a part of Fairy Tail Team A. What they did to Yukino was wrong. I will make them pay for that."

Lucy: "Listen, I know your mad, I am too, but we have to-" I turn back to face her and release my power. She jumps and hides behind Natsu.

You: "I don't care. Say what you want, my mind is made up... I'm taking Sabertooth down, one by one if I have to."

Lucy: "W-what happened? Why do you 2 suddenly hate Sabertooth so much more?" I hear Natsu growl.

Natsu: "Because of what they did to Yukino."

Gray: "What did they do?"

Lucy POV

Natsu: "After her loss, their master... he forced her to strip in public, and erase her own guild mark, then he kicked her to the curb." I feel the room heat up, and look over at M/n, who was blazing white fire.

You: "I'll break his arm, then his leg, I'll reduce him to nothing, then show him to the members of that damned dictatorship. I'll make him wish he were dead." He kept going on and on, about how he'll make their master feel worse and more humiliated than Yukino did, until Erza comes up and puts a hand on his shoulder.

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