Chapter 56: Armageddon Part 1

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Your POV

I return to the unending dark void, with nothing but the large gate before me. But my mind was elsewhere... Neptune... I sit there trying to come up with plans of beating Acnologia, staring at the large gate as it mocks me.

Neptune POV

I watch as the Christina blasts off in the distance. I turn back to the Black Dragon King. "You killed my father, and slaughtered my kind. I'LL KILL YOU!!"

Erza POV

I watch as Acnologia closes in from the distance. Wendy had already tried to heal M/n and he still wouldn't wake up. Not that he was in any condition to beat Acnologia even if he was conscious.

"So, all we have to do is get Acnologia to touch that thing? It sounds too simple." Gray says as Hibiki explains the plan.

"It's our only hope of defeating Acnologia..."

Your POV

I clench my teeth as the gate continue mocking me, standing there, knowing I can't open it... "STOP MOCKING ME!!" I blast the gate, but nothing comes from it.

"Stop being such a fool." I turn back and see Etherion watching me. "If you don't find a way to keep the gate open long enough to defeat Acnologia, he will devour this world, and everything in it. He is an incarnation of destruction, the result of the meaningless war of the Dragon King Festival. Today your war with The Black Dragon King ends. Make sure it ends in his demise or you will lose everything. My son, I've watched you struggle and grow for centuries, yet I've never seen you like this before, so distressed and chaotic in battle. Channel your anger and rage, your will to protect your family. You've said it so many times yourself... You told everybody you wouldn't let him." I watch as Etherion's form whisps away, and I see my scars turn to scales and begin glowing again.

"You're right Dragon... It's time for our fateful final duel... So, I shall..." I stop and watch in horror, as the Black Dragon King appears on a large lens in the void. He was speaking of the final slaughter of Dragons... And I see... "WENDY!!" I turn to the large gate, I didn't even have the strength left to remain consciousness without this power... I was completely spent... I'd have to break this gate open right now! I rear back, as I hear Wendy screaming for help. "NO!! I WON'T LET HIM HURT HER!!!" No matter what I'm opening this gate. I plant my foot as I punch the door with a conviction I don't know I've ever felt before; it flies off its hinges, and I feel the unimaginable power begin overwhelming me. "NO WAY!! THIS POWER IS MINE TO CONTROL TO MY WILL!! I WON'T LET YOU!!! ACNOLOGIA!!!!"

Erza POV

I look over and see M/n on his hands and knees as Wendy gets trapped within Acnologia's attack. H-he was awake...

"put her down..." M/n looks up to Acnologia, his head had veins popping out and his pupils had narrowed to pinpoints. "if you don't let her go right now I'll kill you where you stand." He spits out through clenched teeth. He looked as if he was trying to hold something back instead of unleashing a new power though... And it scared me stiff... Acnologia roars and I see the Magic begin sucking Wendy away. In an instant there's a shooting star that nails Acnologia, sending him flying back into the sea. I watch as M/n's body begins glowing, turning into a blinding silhouette. Then, it begins morphing into a gigantic Dragon... I watch in awe as a bright white and Gold Dragon now stands between us and the Black Dragon, with piercingly cold F/C irises...

"M/n...?" The enormous Dragon Roars and flies towards Acnologia, tackling it into the sea.

"F-F/n's attained the power to shapeshift into a Dragon?" I look over as Anna raises both of her trembling hands to her mouth. "How far has he pushed himself into madness for this kind of power?"

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