Chapter 22: Neptune Vs. The God of Dragons

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Your POV

Erza: "Wake Up M/n! No More Being Lazy!" I groan as she grabs my feet and pulls me from my bed.

You: "Just 5 more hours... Pleeaasee..." I say as my head whacks the floor.

Erza: "Hours?! You're lazier than I thought." She says, still pulling me along the floor, then, of course, she drags me down the stairs.

You: "Please *Bang* Stop *Bang* This *Bang* It *Bang* Hurts!" I scream as my head hits the ground yet again. She continues dragging me across the floor and outside. I see Wendy and Carla walking behind us. I smile groggily and wave at them. Carla looks away disgusted but Wendy waves back, I could tell she was trying not to laugh. As she drags me through the town everybody began giving us weird looks. "Hey guys, sorry for the commotion. Ms. Scarlet here is not in the best mood right now." I say smiling and waving at them. When we finally arrive at the guild she drops me right inside the front doors and walks over to the bar. "Um, ok then?" I notice the guild was basically empty though. Ok, now this is strange. I walk over to the bar and wait for Mira.

You: "Hey Mira?" I ask when she finally returns.

Mira: "Oh! Hello M/n! What could I do for you?" She says smiling at me.

You: "Where is everybody? It's way too quiet right now."

Mira: "Well, mostly everybody is here, but since Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Lucy went to her home to find some book related to some attackers of ours." What? I stand up and walk off.

You: "Erza and Wendy, let's go." I walk out of the guild towards where the Heartfilia mansion once was.

Erza: "M/n? What's going on?"

You: "It's the book, I know her father had a vast collection of books, some of which were far more meaningful than they might seem. We need to get there as soon as possible, or I fear the worst for Ms. Heartfilia and her friends." I say as we reach the train station. "Once we get there, I am going straight to the mansion, I am going to go full speed, so I will get there far before you two."

Erza POV

There it is again, he's still keeping secrets from us. There are too many red flags hear. 1: Calling Lucy Ms. Heartfilia, he rarely shows that kind of respect to anybody. 2: He's willingly getting into a train. That isn't right. And 3: He must somehow have a past with Lucy's family, he seemed to talk about her father like he knew him. Just how many people do you have connections with M/n? You were friends with Gray's master, you knew Natsu's father Igneel, you saved me as a child, you are like a brother to Wendy, and now you somehow know Lucy's parents? This is not due to a simple coincidence. God! No matter what I do I just can't figure this guy out! I've figured out who everybody is and what their tendencies are within only weeks of knowing them, yet, after months with M/n, I don't know much more about him than when I did all those years ago. Sure I know more facts about his past and everything, but about him as a person. He's caring and protective, but has a comedic side that will show up at random moments... Once we reach our stop M/n speeds off in a blur, a gust of wind following him.

Your POV

I arrive to hear fighting going on inside. I jump up and through the window, landing in the middle of the library. I stand up and hear a man yelling, I look over and see a him in knights armor, looking at Lucy.

Man: "That voice! Those eyes! That mouth! That hair! That bosom! That waist! Those legs! All of it makes my Fibonacci sequence chirp! It spells out... L-O-V-E! That's love! True Love!" The hell? -_-...

You: "What's going on here?" They all turn to me.

Natsu: "M/n?"

Lucy: "M/n! Thank god you're here!"

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