Chapter 18: The Power Of A God

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Sorry for the wait, schools been taking all of my time recently.

Your POV

I eventually stumble upon Gray and Ultear. I knew it, that bastard from the Island.

You: "Hey." I say, causing both of them to look my way.

Ultear: "So, The Dragon God has finally revealed himself to me..."

Gray: "M/n? The hell happened to you?" I lean up against a tree, trying to catch my breath.

You: "Gray, I was on Galuna Island when you guys were there."

Gray: "What...?"

You: "I had returned to ensure the demon Deliora was still frozen, but when I found out it was missing, I began tracking it down, that's when I found you all. And being a Dragon Slayer, my nose is highly sensitive. While there, I noticed an old man, who was using some very strange magic. Yet, he smelt like a young woman. I eventually saw through your disguise... Daughter of Ur." She gasps and her eyes go wide. "That's right, I knew your mother. We met a few times, being some of Fiore's strongest wizards, we'd actually meet quite often. That is until one day I stopped seeing her. A few years later I happened to be near her home town. I went for a visit... but saw her with two young boys. She was smiling, I figured they were her kids, I watched Gray and his friend learn from her for days... But one night. I walked up to her house to say hi, and saw her crying through the window... Clutching a picture of a dark haired little girl... I walked in, and she collapsed into me when she saw me... They said a certain group of people killed her daughter... I don't want to tell you what I did to them when I found the lab..." Then I walk up to her, and kick her into the ocean. "Your mother did not abandon you." I turn around and begin walking away, hiding my face from Gray as I feel the tears begin to flow. Yet another friend, I let die... I won't let that happen again... "I promise you Mavis, nobody from Fairy Tail is dying today." I say as I begin limping towards Hades...

Erza POV

Hades: "Now, witness true power." Then he glares at Wendy, she glows, then disappears... I look back, and see her clothes lying on the ground... And M/n, who had just made it to the ship, staring with wide eyes, his jaw slightly agape, at what he just witnessed. Then, I feel the pressure increase. I look back and see M/n walking towards Hades, his pupils were gone, his hair was sticking up and flowing wildly. His teeth had become pointed and white scales began showing.

You: "What. Did. You. Do?" He says with a deathly tone. I've never heard M/n like this before. It was like death had just arrived. Then magic circles form above him, and white lightning flashes down, striking him. His hair turns white, and I feel the pressure increase, I'm forced onto the ground, no longer able to stand as M/n walks by. I look up to him, his teeth were clenched, and he looked insane. "You... You are going to die for that... And I will make it slow, and painful." Hades proceeds to punch him square in the face... M/n doesn't even flinch, his head stays straight up.

Hades: "W-what?" M/n brings his fist back.

You: "Now Die." He punches Hades in the gut, sending him flying backwards into the wall. Then purple magical circles surround M/n on every side.

Hades: "Now Die!" A large dark purple ball explodes where M/n was. "Those hit by the Amaterasu formula lose all strength in their limbs, and blocking it is fatal." But a few seconds later, he walks out, completely unaffected by the attack. "WHAT?!"

You: "I am going to cut you apart, piece by piece. Nothing will be left, I Am Going To Wipe You From This Existence!" The flame around him grows larger, and more wild. He begins beating Hades left and right, I couldn't track his movements, he would simply disappear, and reappear somewhere else.

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