Chapter 26: M/n Vs. Thor

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Your POV

I stare him down as his hair begins floating to, then, in a flash of lightning, it turns bright gold.

Thor: "Are you ready to pay for your crimes?"

You: "You hurt her... You won't live to regret that..." I say, the venom in my voice was obvious. I was pissed, no, I was enraged... He Hurt Her! 'M/n... Use everything you have, it's time this asshole learned his place.' I smirk and nod. I agree, dragon. We charge each other and as our fists connect we both go flying backwards. I extend my claws and sink them into the ground, helping to slow me down.

Thor: "You've grown weak over the years, while I've grown strong. You cannot defeat me anymore F/n. I, am the new Dragon God." 'That's it.' I suddenly feel an extreme amount of power begin to rise in me. W-what the hell is this? I fall to a knee as my entire body feels like it's burning. 'This... This is what you will be capable of once you break that ring...' I stand back up, and hold my hands out in front of me, opening and closing them. "What is this...?" I look up to him, then begin walking towards him.

Erza POV

M-my god... W-what is this? This is nothing like any of M/n's other power ups. This was on a whole other level. H-he made even Hades look weak, and with this power, he could probably even stand up to that Black Dragon...

You: "How dare you disrespect my Dragon... I am, and always will be, the strongest. Never, disrespect myself or my Dragon again... Now, we are going to show you our true power!"

Erza: "What is this?" M/n's power had skyrocketed to an entirely other level... His eyes were now silver, along with a fiery silver flame that would rise upwards around him.

You/Etherion: "How dare you hurt her... Now, you will pay... Thor..." What? Who's voice was that? "This is our power. This, is what the Dragon God is capable of." Then, he disappears, leaving an afterimage of himself. He's gotten this fast? He appears directly in front of Thor, and easily dodges his attacks. "You can't hit me." Wait, this isn't right... He sounds way too calm now, he was furious just moments before...

Cana: "T-this is incredible, I've never seen anything so fast..." She says in awe.

Wendy: "I wonder what this is? Usually his hair turns white, yet it's still the normal color. And the flame around him, it's white and silver, not just white, and there's no F/C either... It's weird."

Erza: "Yes, this is far different from his normal transformations."

You: "I will end this within a minute."

Thor: "You and I are still among the same level of power F/n."

You: "Enough talk." The Thor strikes forward, but M/n tilts his head and the bolt goes flying by. M/n proceeds to punch him in the gut, then as he keels over he elbows him in the back, forcing him onto the ground.

Thor: "W-what...?" He croaks out.

You: "13." He then holds his hand out and a silverish ball of energy forms in it, then he blasts it at Thor. He jumps back and lands in front of me, I almost immediately begin sweating, and I fall to a knee due to the pressure.

Thor: "DAMN YOU!!" I look up and see lightning shoot out everywhere, then Thor emerges from the ground. "I'll Kill You For That!"

You: "31." He charges M/n, only to have M/n dodge every single attack, he didn't even have to block... Eventually he strikes back, punching Thor in the face effortlessly. He goes careening backwards as M/n begins walking towards him. "47." As he reaches him, he blasts him again. Then jumps back to us. "58, 2 seconds early... My bad." I look up and see Thor lying on the ground unconscious...

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