Chapter 9: M/N's Anger

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Lucy POV

He walks out in a skin tight black sleeveless with dark F/c pants and no shoes.

Levy: "Uhh, M/n don't you want shoes?" He waves it off and walks out, passing through the barrier like it was nothing... We sit there as Levy continues to try and break the enchantment. Then I see something pop up on the screen.

Lucy: "Bixlow defeated by M/n L/n. Wow, it's only been 10 minutes."

Mirajane POV

Mira: "Stop It Freed!" I scream up to him.

Freed: "And Finally! Dark Ecriture! Death!"

Mirajane: "NO!!" I cry out, but then I see something move between them... "M-M/N!?" But then he stumbles, and I see Freed's attack written on him.

Freed: "Protecting a fellow guild mate like that. A truly valiant thing to do, but in the end, it's just another victim." I couldn't believe it, M/n had just jumped into a death sentence, to save my little brother... He stumbles backwards and coughs blood. "Still standing, very intriguing."

You: "How dare you... T-these are your guild mates. These are your friends! And you attack them intending to kill...? No, I won't stand back and watch that. I Refuse To Stand Back And Watch That!" Then the script on his chest shatters.

Freed: "WHAT!? HOW?!"

You: "You will pay for making Mira cry."

Lucy POV

Levy: "I'm almost done guys! I just need to figure this last part out!"

Natsu: "Well Hurry Up Already! M/N Will Beat Laxus First If I Don't Get There!"

Levy: "Then Let Me-" She's cut off by something else appearing on the enchantment.

Lucy: "Freed Justine, defeated by, M/n L/n and Mirajane Strauss."

Natsu: "OH NO!! Only Laxus Is Left! Hurry Levy Or I'll Miss All The Action!" At the Tower of Heaven, I knew I felt something... Just how strong are you... M/n...?


A Dark Guild converses about the following man.

Man1: "How... It can't be..."

Man2: "It's him."

Woman1: "Are you sure?"

Man3: "You're telling us...?"

Man1: "He has arisen from his slumber... The God of Dragons... He has returned... Nirvana must be freed soon."

Your POV

I walk in on Laxus and some masked man's fight.

Laxus: "So, you've finally joined the party huh?" I walk over and lean against a pole.

You: "You 2 may continue your fight." I say waving to the 2 of them. "I need a nap anyways."


The group continues to create a plan to kill the God of Dragons.

Man3: "I thought he had been slain hundreds of years ago though?"

Man4: "Yea, his power hasn't been felt for centuries."

Man1: "That is because a human killed him. The God of The Dragons. Was killed by a boy, 400 years ago. Said boy then received all powers of The Dragon God... Etherion."

Your POV

I feel a chill run through my spine... Someone knows who I am. I walk out and begin looking around. I know someone spoke his name... My Dragon's name... So...

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