Chapter 13: The Ultimate Roar

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Wendy POV

This was it, nobody was here to help me now. The fast one raises his fist, I close my eyes and prepare for it, that is, until I hear a low pitched growl. I look up, and see a shining white light coming from the hole the man was sent into. A few seconds later, he walks out of it, blood seeping from the side of his mouth and a few nasty cuts on his face.

You: "Leave The Girl Alone."

Racer: "Damn, can't you just die already?" The two each disappear again, but this time, he begins dodging and blocking all of their attacks.

You: "You people... Have hurt two women who are very important to me... Now, you will pay." He grabs the fast one's face and forces it into the ground, then kicks the goth one into the same hole he came from, only to get blasted back by some green wave of energy. Then everything goes black.

Natsu POV

I run up to a small waterfall, only to see M/n come out of it holding Wendy and her cat.

You: "Take them and get her to Erza."

Natsu: "Hey, are you ok, you don't look so good."

You: "Go Now Natsu!" I nod and run off, scared of his outburst.

Your POV

I continue walking through the forest, until I come up on a river. I decide it's probably the only time I'll have to wash myself off, I was covered in blood and dirt. I wince as I lie down in the water, but as soon as I'm down, I hear a fight going on down the river. I groan and stand back up, knowing that right now I'd be no help in a fight, my body was giving out, big time. Mumbling about how unappreciative these people are, I walk downstream, but then I find Lucy lying up against a small island in the stream, but, she was... crying...

Lucy POV

I see something red go by me in the water, then more of it, some kind of red liquid was flowing through it... Then something drips onto my shoulder... I look over, and see blood, then I look up, and see someone standing on the small island. The sun was at their back so I couldn't see their face.

You: "Are you alright...?" They say out of breath, wait I know that voice... I-it was M/n... he steps in front of me, shielding me from Angel.

Lucy: "Y-yea, now that you're here."

You: "I won't be much help, my body needs rest, it's giving out on me, I can buy you some time, but I can't win this fight right now... Hey, you." He looks over towards Hibiki. "I need you to find a way to help us win." He nods and walks over to me. Everything changes then, I couldn't even describe what was happening, I heard somebody fighting in front of me, as my brain was flooded with images.

Your POV

I feel an immense power behind me, and jump out of the way as Lucy fires some kind of spell even I don't think I've ever seen before. I walk away as the dust cloud dissipates, knowing I had to find it...

Where is it? Where is Nirvana? If I don't find it before they do, and it gets released, all hell is going to break loose. I search the forest, trying to sense its power, but I couldn't find anything, then it happens. I turn back and see a large purplish beam of light with black streams surrounding it.

You: "No..." Nirvana, it's been released. "Damnit!" I punch the tree next to me, making it fall over. These people, they're getting on my last nerve... As I'm making my way towards the large beam though, it begins, moving? Then a giant spider looking thing arises from the ground, and begin walking away from me. "Oh Come On!" I keep chasing it, trying to catch up, but when I finally reach it, I realize we're back at the Caitshelter guild. Then I feel a large power begin to build up. I release my full speed and take off towards the guild. I reach the front of it just in time, it fires a spiraling dark purple beam at me. I extend my arms, and catch the beam. It pushes me back a few feet, but I dig in and stop myself. I continue to push against it, trying to protect the guild hall.

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