Chapter 6: Trains...

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Erza POV

We work until sundown, then everybody begins to head home. Well, everybody except for M/N, he was sitting on edge of the cliff, over looking the sea.

Erza: "You could stay at the dorms for a night or two until you find a place if you wanted. I'm sure master wouldn't mind."

You: "Nah, I have that sleeping problem, remember?"

Erza: "Oh, right."

You: "The sunset's pretty beautiful. Don't ya think?"

Erza: "Uh, yea, I guess it is fairly pretty."

You: "When I was out wandering, I would watch the sunsets almost every night. It was the one bright spot. It always made me feel calm, like everything would eventually work out. I guess it has, in some way. I mean I'm talking to people again. That's a plus." I sit down next to him, he smiles at me and turns back to the sunset.

Erza: "Why did you help me when you found me on the beach?"

You: "I've made far too many mistakes in my life, I wasn't going to make another. And you know why I couldn't just leave you there..." I nod and look away.

Erza: "So, you were looking for your parent's killers huh?" He nods. "Does that have anything to do with those rings on your hand?" He sighs, but laughs afterwards.

You: "I should have known you'd ask sooner or later. Well, it's kind of as Jose said. I killed somebody important, and committed too many sins, so, as a punishment, I was given 7 rings, they each limited a source of my power. I had 5 rings on my left hand and 2 earrings. I still have 3 though." He says holding up his left hand, which had the 3 rings on his ring, middle, and pointer fingers.

Erza: "What are those for? And what powers do they limit?"

You: "The one on my ring finger, the color red. It limits my strength and is the sin Wrath. My pointer finger, green, limits my speed, and is the sin Gluttony. And finally, the most powerful one. The ring on my middle finger, white... It limits my fighting skill, and is the sin Pride... I'm afraid I'll never be able to break it though..."

Erza: "Why?"

You: "Because the key to breaking it is admitting defeat, but I can't do that, I just can't..."

Erza: "So if you broke that ring's seal...?"

You: "I'd become what people commonly refer to as god. Unbeatable, and due to me not dying unless I'm killed... I'd become truly Immortal." What...? He's that strong...? "I'd make the 10 Wizard Saints look like nothing more than a speck of dust."

Erza: "No way..."

Makarov: "He's telling you the truth." I turn around and see Master Makarov standing there. "M/N is the most powerful wizard on this planet without those rings. Even with them on he's on par with the 10 Wizard Saints. If you were to remove even the ring of Wrath, limiting his strength. I believe he would have the power to stop even the Etherion blast." I look over to M/N, but he shakes his head.

You: "No, I can now. They've fired it at me before, a long time ago. I sent it back into the sky... They fired it at a city full of innocent people... Just to kill me... After that though, they surrounded the city and threatened to bombard it unless I gave myself up. So, I did... I don't regret the decision... But I wish there was another way... Because I don't think I'll ever be the same after that..."

Makarov: "The Magic Council did that?" He nods.

You: "It's no use trying to chew them out, the mission was completely secret. Nobody knows the Magic Council was behind the creation of the Fateful Five, except for the highest of Wizards, and even then, you would want to have a death wish to go against their word."

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