Chapter 61: A Broken God

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Your POV

            The psychotic old geezer turns my way, inhaling deeply to sniff in my direction.

            "I'll have to save you for the main course, adrenaline and misery always make Dragon meat taste better."

            "M-M/n... P-please..." Mora barely whispers out hoarsely.

            "H-he killed your father? He slayed Aldoron?" I ask, staring daggers towards Mora.

            "I ate him." He responds. "She knows... She saw." So, this is why you came here to drive me mad... He was hunting you. I turn towards her, dipping my head sideways, trying to ask why she wouldn't have just told me.

            "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't know what to do when I saw the condition you were in, w-we have no chance." Still... This guy, beating Aldoron...? He was powerful, no doubt about it. But to have slain Aldoron? No, not a chance he did that.

            "You eat us huh?" I whip my head around to see Natsu punch his palm and ignite in a burning blaze. "Be my guest and try!"

            "From one onto the next, they never stop, do they Gramps?" Laxus turns away from Mora towards this freak.

            "Let's see how a mouthful of metal tastes for you!" Gajeel roars. They all charge in at him at once, only for him to extend his hands out and a blast of wind and pulse of magical energy blows everybody back. I convulse in pain when my body hits the pavement and have trouble getting air in.

            "Do you all really think you can beat me? I utilize the Dragon Slayer magic of the Four Beasts! I am the newest version of you, a Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer. A Dragon Eater. Diablos' founder and Guild Master. I am Georg Reizen, and I will be the one to claim the life and powers of the Legendary Dragon God Slayer for myself!"

            "You must've not heard us before pal!" Natsu yells. "To get to him! You gotta go through US!" He launches himself towards Reizen, only for Reizen's arm to become rubber and extend out nailing Natsu in the gut and sending him flying over the guild hall. Gajeel is next, swinging a club and sword wildly at him. This time however Reizen counters by bringing his hands together above his head, They turn to ice and he swings down, driving Gajeel into the ground. Laxus is next and the 2 begin exchanging huge blows of lightning and Green fire.

            "Hey M/n...?" I turn around and see Gildarts on a knee behind me. "Will you look after Cana for me?" I stare at him blankly.

            "Huh?" I asked, confused, and trying to figure out what he had just asked of me.

            "I'm gonna end this. Make sure she stays safe, ok? I-I don't deserve to have someone like her anyways..." He says, smiling to me. I grit my teeth together as I feel tears begin falling again. DAMNIT!!!!

Mora POV

            I hear M/n scream and see him crying and banging the ground wildly.

            "AAAHHH!! AAAHHH! GOD DAMNIT!!!" He roars as he continues to violate the ground beneath him. His head then snaps towards Reizen. "WHY DON'T YOU SHITHEADS EVER STOP!!" He not only stands again, but jumps at Reizen, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him through the nearest building. As it collapses in on itself I hear M/n coughing and heaving for air. "S-stand down everyone." I watch as he clenches his fist, F/c lightning crackling around it. The wreckage of the building gets blown everywhere as Reizen lets loose another pulse of power. The maniac now licks his lips and laughs hysterically.

            "You're going to be the best Dragon meat I've ever had!" He says rushing in low towards M/n. He ducks under M/n's swing and nails him right where Acnologia had put a hole in his side. He lets loose a blood curling scream but brings his elbow down on the head of Reizen before falling to a knee right next to him, his breathing sharp and uneven, he looked like he was having some kind of seizure as he clutches his side, his body shaking and convulsing violently. Reizen stands once more, licking the blood from his head. "Die!" He swipes down at M/n.

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