Chapter 32: Feelings Revealed

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Your POV

I was sitting at the bar while Romeo and Macao argue about entering the Grand Magic Games again.

Romeo: "I know we can win this time! We have the Tenrou Team back!"

Macao: "Don't you remember what happened last time?"

Bisca: "Yea, that was ugly..."

Alzack: "The only reason we were even relevant was because of M/n. Everybody else lost their first match, and then he was forced to fight basically non-stop because of it."

Wakaba: "Yea... I'm still sorry for putting you through that M/n. That must have been a grueling time..." I shrug and take a sip of my drink.

You: "Nah, I think it was good for me. After that, I realized how weak my body was compared to my magic. It made me much stronger." After that everybody begins arguing about it, until Romeo mentions the prize money, and Makarov instantly decided to join the games. As everybody's cheering, I pull him aside.

Makarov: "Hm? What's going on M/n?"

You: "I'm sorry master... But I won't be fighting for Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games."

Makarov: "WHAT!? WHY?!" Everybody's attention turns to us due to his outburst. "We need you M/n, Gildarts won't be there, and besides him the only true powerhouse we still have is Laxus."

Natsu: "What?"

Gray: "You ain't fightin'?" I shake my head.

You: "Nah, I'll be fighting for Lighta."

Lucy: "Wait..."

Erza: "You mean..."

Everybody: "You'll Be Fighting For A Different Guild?!" I cringe at the noise.

You: "Yea..." I say scratching the back of my head. "Frankly, it was too boring last time. I got so tired of beating the challenges and opponents I literally bored myself into submission. I mean sure I was tired and all, but I never gave more than half effort and still mopped the floor with everybody I fought. So, this year... Neptune, Rockwell, Frost, and myself, are teaming up to enter as Lighta. And some others, Thor, Reax, Hercules, and Flash. Are teaming up as Excalibur. We'll be fighting in our own tournament, just us 2. I don't really know how it came about, but supposedly, Thor and Reax showed the administrator their power, and said they wanted to fight, but didn't want to accidently kill anyone, and so, The Grand Magical Games S Class Showcase was born." Everybody stands still as stone looking at me with shocked faces.

Wendy: "So, will you still be on our side then?" I smile and ruffle her hair.

You: "No doubt kiddo, I wouldn't miss it for the world... And Natsu... You're gonna have some competition out there."

Natsu: "Well it wouldn't be fun if there wasn't!"

You: "I mean it." I say with a serious tone. He calms down and looks intently at me. "Sabertooth... They have 2 of them... Brothers in fact..."

Lucy: "2 what?"

You: "Dragon Slayers. Extremely powerful ones as well. I have faith in you Natsu, but please, do not let your guard down against either of them."

Akane Beach

Your POV

I attend their beach training with them, but end up finding myself watching Erza in that bikini basically the entire time. 'Pervert.' Damn straight Dragon, if Erza's sweating at a beach in that bikini you can call me that all you want I ain't lookin' away... The first day passes as normal, but it was very boring, then, day 2 begins with a bang, Virgo appears, and asks for us to come help the Celestial spirit world.

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